Page 29 of Echoes From Within
“You need to check on her,”Doc says.
“I need to let her live her life,”I tell him.“She doesn’t need a constat reminder of what she went through.”
“Your gut says to check on her,”Miles adds.
“You are my gut,”I remind him.
“Xander, help us out,”Miles sighs.
“Since when do you doubt yourself?”Xander asks.
“I don’t doubt myself, Xander. I just know that she’s better off without me in her life.”
I get the feeling that Miles is pacing back and forth while Doc is shaking his head. Xander, however, is just watching me.
“What’s wrong, honey?” Ma asks.
I glance over and notice that everyone is watching me. The entire club is here apart from Viper and Bitsy. They’re still with the Phantoms.
Ghost is sitting on a chair. Steel and Blaze are on one of the couches while our prospect Colt hands out beers.
Jax has just returned from his baby sister’s place with Knox who is sitting on the floor, his laptop on his lap and watching me from above his black-rimmed glasses.
However, it’s King who has my attention. He’s leaning against the wall near the door and watching.
For what, I haven’t the slightest idea.
King is always quiet. Patient.
Good thing considering his job is waiting for the right time to kill someone he’s hired to kill.
We decided to get together for a barbeque since Jax, King, and Knox have all arrived back home. Now, we’re sitting in Ma and Pops living room waiting for Pops to return with the ribs he went to get.
“Is it that woman?” Knox asks shyly, his face turning red.
Knox is another quiet man. But not for the same reasons King is. Knox is submissive to his very core. Blaze and Steel co-own a BDSM club, called, Obsidian Oasis. That’s where they met Knox several years back. He was there to see about becoming a member but the twins wouldn’t let him. They said he was too pure for a scene like that.
They were right. Knox is the embodiment of a pure and kind heart.
They sort of took him under their wing and shortly after so did the rest of the family. Knox spent his year as a prospect before he was officially patched in.
“Yeah,” I admit softly. “The alters seem to think I need to contact her but I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Why not?” Knox asks quietly.
“Because I will simply be a reminder of the worst time of her life,” I tell him. “She can’t heal and move forward if there’s always something there to remind her of her past.”
Knox seems to contemplate that for a few seconds before he opens his mouth to say something.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” I smile at him when he decides to keep silent. “You can tell me what’s on your mind.”
“I don’t want to upset you,” he tells me.
“I won’t get upset,” I tell him. “Nothing you say will make me angry towards you.”