Page 21 of Echoes From Within
He leaves only to return a few seconds later with a needle.
“Just a pinch, Seven,” he says, sticking the needle in my arm. “Years ago, they used a mixture of drugs to inflict an incredible amount of pain in prisoners that were sentenced to lethal injection. Of course, that was with death being the endgame. However, I’ve made a few altercations. I’ve taken the death out and added a bit more pain.”
Silent tears fall down the sides of my face as he pushes the needle plunger, shoving the liquid into my arm.
“Here in just a few minutes, you’re going to feel as if your insides are on fire. Your body is going to lock up, all control will be lost. You’ll struggle to breath but don’t worry, you won’t die. You’ll want to scream, but it will take several minutes before you gain back that ability. You will lay here completely and utterly silent while you beg for death on the inside. But no one will be able to hear you. No one will be able to save you.”
“Please,” I cry, already starting to feel my body tingling with small shocks.
“You beg so prettily, Seven,” he smiles down at me, his tone soft but his eyes alight with joy. “You can feel it, can’t you? The warmth throughout your body. And now, your body is frozen in place. You can’t even blink, can you?”
I try. I try so damn hard but nothing happens.
“I like to use this method when I have a headache,” he tells me. “It keeps my playthings quiet so that I can create art in peace. You slide your blade a few inches into a person’s skin and they scream like a baby.”
My eyes are frozen in place and I have no choice but to watch his face as he rolls his eyes. Smiling, he leans down and looks deep into my eyes as if he can see what’s happening.
“Has it started yet?” he whispers gleefully.
I want to shout how much I hate him but my thoughts are immediately gone as pain like I’ve never before felt blazes inside of me.
“There it is,” he says, but I can’t hear him. I can only watch as his lips move slowly with each word. All sound is blocked out but that roaring inferno coursing its way through my body.
I don’t know how long the pain lasts but it feels like days. Agony so severe that I can’t breathe. Finally, my lungs kick into gear and I take a deep breath before screaming. I still can’t move my eyes so I watch as the sound of my scream causes lust to shine in my tormentor’s eyes.
Slowly, so very slowly, the pain lessons. My body burns. It aches. But it’s no longer on fire.
Then I watch as the Punisher injects a second shot into my arm.
“We can only do this two more times,” he tells me. “We don’t want your heart to stop now, do we?”
I still haven’t regained control of my body apart from my face, so I’m helpless to do anything as he laughs.
“There’s a special place for you in hell,” I say gruffly, my throat raw from screaming.
“I sure hope so,” he laughs.
It happens much quicker this time. My ability to move anything on my face stops, my lungs freeze, my blood boils, and I scream the silent scream of mercy.
But none comes.
“We’re here, Venom,” Ghost says thirty minutes later. “We’re already inside the building.”
“Fucking find me,” I shout, not caring if any guard unknown of the raid can hear me. “I need to find her.”
“Who?” Ghost asks. They’ve unmuted their side of the radio so I can now hear screams and gunshots.
“I need to get her out of here, Ghost,” I say. “I can’t explain it brother, but I need to get her to safety.”
Ghost doesn’t say anything as I pace back and forth. The shots are closer and there’s rustling outside of the door.
“Is this the one?” I hear someone say. “Ghost, it’s up here.”
Seconds later, Steel kicks the damn door off its hinges and I can finally take a breath in. But, I won’t be able to release it until I get Sophia out of here.
“Thank fuck,” Ghost says as he strides into the room. He walks up to me, not bothering to slow down, before pulling me into his arms.