Page 19 of Echoes From Within
“Who the fuck are you?” I ask as he walks back to the table with the scotch and two guards.
“As I said before, my name is Malachi Sinclair. I run this place.”
“React,” Xanders says.
I charge forward, ready to beat this fuckers head when his two guards grab me from both sides holding me back.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I say, anger dripping from my pores. “How could you do that to these women? What kind of twisted fuck are you?”
“The proposition, Travis,” he says calmly, pouring himself a glass. “Would you like to hear it?”
I shove off the two guards and wait.
“Very good. I have an issue, Travis,” he starts. “The men we bring in to breed these women are scum. Every single one of them are idiots. While I don’t know who you are, you appear very well put together. I’ll have to remember to reward the ones who captured you.”
“Not if I fucking kill him first,” I growl, trying to appear pissed the fuck off.
It doesn’t take much acting.
“I’d rather you didn’t,” he says, taking a drink. “Anyway, I will let you go free if you spend the next week giving me many samples.”
“Samples?” I ask, playing dumb. I know exactly what he wants.
“Your semen,” he says. “If I had enough samples to inseminate into the women, then they would no longer have to be raped.”
“You’re a sick fuck,” I say, tightening my fists.
“I know,” he laughs. “On top of setting you free, I’ll gift you with fifty-thousand dollars for your silence.”
“Act interested, brother,” Ghost says.
“But not too interested,”Miles adds.
“You want to pay me half a mil to blow my load into a beaker?”
“Maybe even later on down the road, you can come back to sell more,” he tells me. “The doctor had you tested when you first arrived. He said you have an exceptionally high sperm count.”
Yeah, I remember when I first got here. They told me if I didn’t give them a sample for testing that I would be sedated and tested regardless.
Sick fucks.
“And I’ll get to leave?” I ask, sounding as if I’m thinking about his offer.
“As long as you sign a paper for your silence,” he tells me.
“There were half a dozen other men in this room before I was forced downstairs,” I tell him. “Why me?”
“Did you see them?” he asks. “All drug heads, alcoholics, or idiots. You’re attractive, well built, and put together.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” I ask, goading for more information.
“Come on fucker,” I hear Blaze say. “Give us what we want.”
“Your babies would be magnificent,” he smiles. “Worth so much money.”
“Got him,” Ghost says. “We’re contacting Detective Jacob’s boss. Time to get you out of there brother.”
“Can I think about it?” I ask.