Page 53 of Onyx Cage: Volume II
“Indeed,” she deadpanned. “Usually in order to gain a…political advantage, though, one or both of the parties need to actually compromise.”
I stopped short of telling her compromise was all I had been doing since I got here. Compromising my pride to play this inane game with her sister, to sit in a council room without a single ally, to allow mywifeto stay here once we were married, an entire kingdom away from my protection.
“Indeed,” I parroted, ready to be finished with this discussion. “If that’s all...”
She raised her eyebrows at the dismissal, setting her glass down before she got to her feet. “Yes, I believe you’ve told me everything I needed to know.”
Chin imperiously high, the crown princess made her way back to the passageway without another word. She slid it open, but paused before she left, speaking over her shoulder.
“For whatever it’s worth, Lord Evander, I do hope things work out to your...political advantage.” The last two words dripped with sarcasm, like she hadn’t believed a single word ofthe excuses I had given her. But her features were soft when she tacked on, “both of yours.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of her unexpected approval, so I gave her a rare bit of raw honesty in response.
“So do I.”
The next morning, Korhonan and I arrived at breakfast at the same time. He had been training with his men in the hours after sunrise right along with me, making me wonder if I wasn’t the only one feeling the strain of this ridiculous arrangement.
Not that I cared, since it was his fault we were here to begin with. At least he hadn’t tried to address me again. Not about my reasons for being here, nor about anything else, which was truly for the best.
It was bad enough having to endure his presence the handful of times we’d been forced to see one another in the past year, but being near him daily was already a chore. He didn’t need to make it worse by addressing me more than was necessary.
When I rounded the corner, Davin was seated next to Rowan on the side where I usually sat. She pointedly averted her gaze, but Jocelyn cleared her throat, forcing Davin to move before I could object.
Which was fortunate.
I didn’t need to sit next to her at breakfast to convince her that marrying me made infinitely more sense. But I would undo every bit of peace I had worked for if I had to sit across from her and watch Korhonan caress her hand like she washispet.
I wondered if he noticed the bare skin on her wrist, or how he would react if I told him that the bracelet he gave her was still in my nightstand.
The thought amused me, but I kept silent on the matter, taking my seat next to Rowan while Korhonan trudged to the other one. He leaned into Rowan as soon as he sat down, and she tilted her head up at him, returning the affectionate gesture.
I clutched my mug tighter, clearing my throat.
“Imagine my surprise when you didn’t break into my rooms again last night,” I pitched my voice low so that only she could hear. It made two nights in a row, not that I was counting. “Weren’t you curious whether or not my bed was empty?”
Her cheeks reddened, and a small trail of goosebumps trailed along the bare skin of her arm. Well, that hadn’t been the reaction I intended to bait her into, but I certainly wasn’t going to argue.
Whatever she claimed to feel for Korhonan, I knew I had her here, in the way her lips parted as soon as I said the word bed.
I didn’t bother suppressing my smirk as I took a sip of my coffee, suddenly feeling remarkably less like crushing the mug.
The glint in her eyes turned from heated to downright savage.
“Believe it or not, Evander, I don’t spend my days and nights wondering whose company you keep,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “I’ve had more interesting things to fill my time at night.”
My eyes flashed to Korhonan before I could stop them, and I just barely refrained from a more obvious reaction.
Or a more violent one.
“Oh?” My tone was colder than it was casual, despite my best efforts.
Rowan sighed, pursing her lips.
“I’ve been spending time with my family.” She emphasized the last word ever so slightly.
Given her complete inability to lie, I didn’t doubt her words. Though I still wondered how or why she had restrained herself from coming to call me anaaliotwo nights running, but at least she wasn’t running to Korhonan instead.