Page 3 of Hollow Court
Whereas I would just as soon have gone the rest of my life without ever again seeing the smirk Davin hid all of his lies behind.
My stomach churned with nausea, but I didn’t know if it was from the carriage jolting in the wind, the wintergreen scent wafting from Alexei, or this inevitable encounter.
The charms on my bracelet clinked together in a gentle melody as I rubbed my fingers back and forth across the chain, lingering on the wolf’s head that Alexei had gifted me the day our betrothal was finalized. It was as menacing as the man at my side, with wild eyes and an open maw of sharp teeth. Quite the contrast to the other, more delicate charms I had collected through the years.
“Stop fidgeting, Galina.” Alexei’s tone was frigid, but his hand was warm where it covered mine, searing into me like a brand.
I didn’t jerk away. I knew better than that.
“Apologies, My Lord.” I cast him a demure look through my lashes, reaching up to smooth a strand of his chestnut hair. “I’m only nervous, taking so much time away from our wedding plans.”
Storms bless my lifetime of etiquette training for the smooth delivery of that bald-faced lie.
If there was something I wanted to do less than see Davin again, even less than sit in this carriage next to my bastard of a betrothed, it was think about our ever-looming nuptials.
Besides, most of the planning was being done in his clan, not mine.
It seemed to placate him, though, the reminder that he would soon own me more thoroughly than he already did. His massive shoulders relaxed, and his large, calloused fingers threaded through mine, his thumb rubbing the edge of the wolf charm.
My insides twisted at the sign of affection, but I forced a quick smile before turning my face to stare out the window once more.
Just over the hills in the distance, the Obsidian Palace slowly came into view. Black spires gleamed in ominous contrast to the pale overcast sky. Only six months ago, this area had been filled to the brim with theBesklanovvy, bands of those who had been cast from their clans. Then our new Lochlannian queen had conscripted a horde of them into her personal army, effectively siphoning them from the unclaimed land.
It was a shame, really. I might have welcomed an attack from the Unclanned right about now to get out of this ball. Out of this carriage. Away from Alexei.
At least he was going back home after this. I would get a solid month’s reprieve before I had to deal with him again.
Every day, for the rest of my life.
My father cleared his throat from his spot across from us, his gaze flitting to where Alexei’s hand was still entwined in mine. My mother sat demurely next to him, though I wondered if I imagined the barest hint of disapproval in her eyes as well.
For me? Or for Alexei?
Perhaps I was only seeing what I wanted to see.
It didn’t matter, anyway. Neither of them could contradict my uncle’s orders.
He was the duke of Clan Ram, a position that allowed him absolute authority in Ram territory. Even the monarchs had no jurisdiction over who he wanted his own family to marry. It was considered a clan issue, one the dukes had carefully excluded from the ruling contract.
“The wedding will be here before you know it,Malishka.” My father’s words were bland, but they almost sounded like a warning to my ears, tempered with his favorite endearment.
Baby girl.
Before I could dwell on it, the carriage slowed to a stop. My heart beat a furious staccato, bile rising in my throat.
There went my last chance to hurl myself under the wheels.
If I vomited before we reached the castle, could I escape tonight’s ball?
Would it be worth Alexei’s anger to try?
“Honestly, Galina, I know long carriage rides upset your stomach.” My mother’s tone was gently chiding, but she stole a glance at Alexei, who was carefully scrutinizing me. “But you look as though you’re going to an execution rather than a ball.”
I bit back a curse, fixing my features into something more appropriate. Only Davin could make me forget myself this way.
It was ridiculous when I knew that our every interaction had been a lie, ridiculous the way I couldn’t quite banish his voice from my head.
You’ve never even considered wanting more?