Page 136 of Hollow Court
I was already halfway across my room with the door shut behind me when I froze in my tracks.
The smell assaulted me, violently bursting the bubble of peace I had been stupid enough to let myself fall into. A shadow cast over me from behind, blocking the gentle rays of light from the window.
Before I could turn around, before I could run, one massive hand came over my mouth while the other tugged me backward until I hit a solid chest. I sucked in a breath, choking on the familiar, pervasive smell.
The worst part was that the feeling coursing through my veins like poison wasn’t shock. It was resignation.
Hadn’t I always known that Alexei would come for me?
His breath was hot on my cheek, his voice a low growl in my ear as he pulled me against his body, tight enough that I struggled for air. It was almost a relief when I couldn’t smell the wintergreen anymore.
“You’ve had your fun,Radnaya.It’s time to come home.”
It was freezing.
I groaned and stretched, abruptly realizing how alone I was in my bed. My very soft, very warm companion was noticeably absent. Which was rather unfortunate considering the dream I had just woken up from.
Propping myself up on my elbows with a grin, I scanned the rest of the room for Galina, but she wasn’t there.
I climbed out of bed, throwing a robe over myself. The doors to the lavatory were open, and she wasn’t inside.
“Lina?” I called, checking the study and the balcony next.
Both were empty.
An uneasy feeling crept up in my chest. I knew it was ridiculous. She wouldn’t have left after last night. I hadn’t asked her what plans she had today.
She had probably just gone down to breakfast, or to subtly throw our very real relationship in Fiona’s face at tea.
I pulled open my door to ask my guards if they knew where she was, stopping short when I saw Ewan standing sentry outside of her rooms.
It should have been a relief, but my stomach twisted.
“Has Lady Galina come out this morning?” I asked as casually as I could.
He furrowed his brow. “No, mi’laird. I thought…”
“I thought she was in your rooms, to be frank,” he said slowly.
That was fair, all things considered.
“Not at the moment.” I tried for a smirk, but I was sure it fell flat.
Crossing the small distance, I raised a hand to knock at her door.
There was no answer.
“Lina?” I called.