Page 90 of Obsidian Throne
His lips parted. “You didn’t tell her?”
I didn’t verbally respond, but something in my features must have given me away.
“Because you couldn’t have left her.” He heaved a deep sigh. “You truly do love her.”
“More than my life,” I said, turning to walk away.
More than everything else in this world combined.
Lightning zapped along my spine.
I expected to wake up cocooned in Evander’s warm embrace, but the bed was cold.
And Evander wasn’t here.
My heart pounded, even as I told myself how unreasonable it was. He probably just went to fetch breakfast.
A glance out the window showed it was nearly morning, gentle rays of sun poking through ominous storm clouds that had nothing to do with the current shooting through every nerve in my back.
I ordered myself to be calm, hastily tossing on a clean dress and throwing open the door to the small sitting room.
A figure sat stiffly in one of the chairs, and for the smallest fraction of a second, relief coursed through my veins.
But where I should have seen black locks and a sardonic smirk was a white-blond head and an earnest, troubled frown.
“Theo,” I breathed out. “What are you doing here? And where is my husband?”
My voice was a jagged shard of ice by that last question, and Theo actually winced.
“I was the only one who could get you safely across the enemy lines,” he said quietly, evenly, as if he had rehearsed the line several times.
“I don’t need to be across enemy lines,” I bit back, panic rising in my throat. “Where. Is. Evander.”
He sighed, sitting forward and taking two agonizingly long breaths.
“He left,” Theo said.
My heart dropped into my stomach, sinking rapidly like a boulder hurled carelessly into a pond.
“What? No, he wouldn’t do that.” But even as I said the words, I knew they weren’t true, not if he thought I was in danger.
Hadn’t he said that more than once?
Theo reached into his jacket and pulled out a piece of parchment. I crossed the distance between us and snatched it, turning to read the familiar, elegant script.
I told you there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you safe, Lemmikki. I love you with every last broken piece of my soul.
Fury rippled through me.How dare he.
I moved to walk toward the door, but Theo held out an arm.