Page 75 of Obsidian Throne
She hissed an apology under her breath before gently applying a salve. Afterward, she wrapped a muslin bandage around me several times, but by the last wrap, her hands were starting to shake.
I pulled my shirt back on, turning to tend to her neck. I made quick work of her wounds, which were deeper than she let on, and tried not to show my rage all over again.
She avoided my gaze the entire time, her fingers quivering a little more with each passing moment. When I was done, I took her slim hands in mine. They were freezing and trembling, all of the adrenaline from the battle leeching from her body.
She shook her head.
“Rowan?” I tried again, using her name softly.
Finally, her eyes met mine, glistening with unshed tears. Something inside me broke apart at the rare sight, and I squeezed her hands a little tighter.
“I almost lost you,” she whispered, her tone low and insistent to the point of sounding panicked. “And I--I don’t want to be in a world where you’re not.”
Her words landed like blows to my chest. As well as I could read her, she kept her emotions on a tight leash most of the time. It was one thing, knowing that she loved me, but filled me with a mix of elation and pure terror.
Because I was a soldier, and the reality was that my life had been on the line more than once and undoubtedly would be again.
“Don’t ever say that, Lemmikki,” I growled. “Whatever happens to me, you’re a survivor.”
Her features hardened, her furious green eyes boring into mine.
“No.” She shook her head again. “You don’t get to walk willingly into that evil woman’s clutches, put your life on the line, and then tell me I can’t feel the same way.”
Then the tears started spilling down her face in truth, and I pulled her against me, cradling her against my chest.
I didn’t respond, because there was nothing honest I could say, so I only pressed my lips into her hair while I ran my hands in comforting lines up and down her back.
I understood her panic better than I wished I did.
It was the way I had felt tonight watching that dagger bite into her throat, like if I lost her, I would lose every part of myself that mattered, too.
Like there was nothing in the world I wouldn’t do to stop that from happening.
Ispent the rest of the journey with the sick, twisting feeling that this wasn’t over. That we had only just begun to see the hell that would be unleashed.
When we arrived back at the estate, that feeling only intensified. Though we had sent word ahead of us, what greeted us beyond the gates was shock and chaos.
Soldiers and local villagers alike crowded around the courtyard as our carriages pulled to a stop, each of them mirroring the same fearful expression of the person beside them.
Evander stepped out first, turning back to assist me down from the carriage. We walked toward the doors before he faced the crowd.
My grip tightened on his arm, but he didn’t show a single trace of anxiety as he addressed his people. His voice was smooth, his words careful, and I could see all over again the honesty in what Luca had said about Evander making a strong leader.
I was a little surprised when he told his people the truth about what happened. His words clearly implicated Iiro, and he didn’t bother to lie about Ava’s involvement, though he continued referring to her as Mairi.
Then he said some kind words about his father that were decidedly less true, and promised everyone who was listening that he would not step into this new role lightly. Just as he had always done, he would continue to protect them and care for them as best as he could.
Now that Aleksander was dead, I think more than a few of those in attendance knew that would be true.
As soon as the funeral rites were over and Aleksander was buried, Evander was officially sworn in as Duke.
It should have been a relief, not having to tiptoe around the castle, not having to worry about either us or the people of Bear suffering needlessly at the hands of Ava or the former Duke.