Page 42 of Obsidian Throne
Evander moved his thumb in small, comforting circles on my stomach, taking a moment before he responded.
“Well,” he said cautiously, “we’ve never shied away from a challenge before. As long as we wait until things are in order here, I’m sure it’s nothing we can’t handle.”
My shoulders eased in relief. I hadn’t realized how much I worried that would be a deterrent for him...or how badly I wanted children with him one day, until I heard him confirm it.
As always, he weighed my reaction carefully. He took a deep breath before he responded to it, though.
“I won’t pretend to know anything about having a real family, Lemmikki, but never doubt that I want that with you, in whatever capacity you are willing.” He pressed his lips against my hair. “If you wanted our family to stay a family of two, that would be all right. But if you want to be like your parents and have a whole brood, we can do that, too.”
His rare sincerity sent warmth blooming through every part of me.
I laughed softly. “Let’s just start with one, once things calm down. Or two,” I amended. “Since twins run in the family.”
“Storms help us all if we have two of you.” He chuckled.
I elbowed him playfully. “Oh, but two ofyouwould be a picnic?”
As soon as I said it, I couldn’t help but picture it.
Two gorgeous dark-haired boys with his light-brown skin and my pale green eyes, both smirking mischievously. It filled me with a curious mix of excitement and dread, because I wasn’t sure I had ever wanted anything as much as I wanted this life with Evander.
But I couldn’t shake the ever-present tingling in my spine, the constant feeling that something was waiting to take this away from me. I wasn’t sure if it was residual apprehension over what happened with Avani and Mac...but it felt like something more.
It felt like something was coming that we wouldn’t be able to stop.
Ichose another black dress for dinner, this one crushed velvet with full skirts and long, fitted sleeves. The bodice buttoned all the way down in the front. It was a combination of the traditional Socairan style and my more comfortable gowns, allowing for easy movement but still on the formal side.
Instead of a tiara, I wore a black silk headband over my ornate braided updo, courtesy of Taisiya.
“Will I do?” I asked Evander.
The question was cheeky, but his features remained tight.
“You look perfect,” he said shortly.
“Why do I feel like there’s abutcoming?” I asked.
“Just remember that tonight is about the show.” He sighed. “My father is still dangerous. He may not be able to kill a clan wife, but that doesn’t mean he can’t find ways to be...problematic, and we certainly can’t rely on his sanity or rationality most days.”
It was the first time Evander had outright spoken of his father’s illness.
“Has he always been this way?” I asked cautiously, remembering his reaction the last time I brought up his father.
“A bastard?” Evander returned darkly.
He had not taken well to my recounting of my conversation with the duke at our wedding.
I leveled a look at him.
Evander sighed again. “His mind started going several years ago, around the time I joined the military.”
“When you were fourteen?” I clarified.
He nodded.