Page 11 of Obsidian Throne
I reminded myself that I was not at their mercy, especially nothers.I would not cower in front of that woman ever again. Not in front of any of them.
An eternity passed before I reached the dais where Evander waited.
In spite of the dark veil,I could still see him, my memory filling in the gaps of my impaired vision. From his pristine, high-collared uniform to the black locks that were swept back at an angle, he was as gorgeous as ever.
I stepped close enough to make out his perfect features, a mask of careful arrogance. I didn’t mind.
Today was about the show, and it wasn’t hard for me to spot the anticipation that glimmered in his gray eyes.
The butterflies beat their wings even faster, but this time the rhythm was different.
Evander took my hand, and a small breath escaped me at the feeling of his skin on mine, the familiar energy that thrummed between us. His thumb swept over my wrist, a reminder that whatever display of strength we put on today, he was still mine.
I squeezed his hand back, hoping he felt the same from me. The corner of his lip barely twitched up, and relief coursed through me.
I hadn’t realized just how worried I was about this moment, that something between us might have shifted in the two months we were apart. We were still tethered together, though, by whatever force had always compelled us toward one another.
Evander turned me to face the back of the room, where the magistrate was already speaking. The man droned on in Socairan, things about duty and alliances and several more things I couldn’t quite translate.
But I heard him clearly when he instructed Ava to remove my veil.
Mila had explained that it was tradition for the mother-in-law to present the bride to her son, which worked out better than I could have hoped for. A wicked smile tugged at my lips.
That meant she would get an unobstructed view…
Ava crept up behind me on slow, pointed footfalls. Her steps echoed through the Hall, drawing attention to her.Good.
Icy fingers grazed the exposed skin on my shoulders as she wound her way up to my head and gently removed the veil. Her breath hitched, but she was still blocking everyone else’s view.
For now.
I tore my eyes away from Evander’s to glance at Ava over my shoulder.
“Admiring your artwork?” I said the words lightly, but my voice echoed through the cavernous room.
Her features twisted in rage, but she had no choice but to return to her seat, fists clenched around the dark veil. As soon as she cleared the way, whispers of confusion and shock sounded throughout the space.
I returned my gaze hesitantly to Evander’s.
I had been terrified of Ava for so long, and it was empowering, taking this control back, dismantling this power she had over me.
But I wasn’t sure he would see it the same way.
Evander’s storm-cloud gaze flitted from the jewels in my hair, down, lingering for a moment on my burgundy lips before finally sweeping to my shoulders, to take in what the room had already noticed.
My dress was demure enough from the front, all black lace and long sleeves with delicate white accents and a narrow waist that cascaded into full black skirts.
But the other side…
It was completely open from my shoulders all the way down to the small of my back. Four thin, woven strands of silver held the fabric together, accenting my angry red scars rather than hiding them.
Evander’s lips parted. I had less than a second to wonder if he was upset before his mouth tilted into a savage grin.
“You look ravishing today, as always, Princess,” he said in a low tone that nonetheless carried.
I let out a whoosh of air, returning his smile. “And you as well, My Lord.”
We both turned back to the magistrate for our vows. Evander went first, echoing the Socairan words in a low, deep tone that had heat flooding through me.