Page 7 of Crimson Kingdom
“Seriously?” My tone was laced with accusation. “I thought we were going to try to make it through six dances before bailing? You could have told me the plan changed.”
She sighed, and I didn’t miss the way her shoulders deflated.
“I know… I just…” She took a breath. “It’s hard, without…Mac.”
Pain shot through my chest, along with a hefty dose of remorse. When I opened my mouth to respond, though, the sound of voices drifted from the other side of the column.
“How can they control the kingdom, if they can’t even control their own children?” an aged feminine voice asked.
Avani and I froze, her fingers tightening around the narrow glass in her hand.
A deep huff sounded in response.
“They have indulged them far too much, if you ask me.” The other woman’s stuffy tone grated on my nerves. “It’s been a year, and I heard the heir has barely left her bed. Still moaning over that common boy they allowed her to marry.”
My heartbeat roared a furious rhythm in my ears. I spun around, ready to tell them exactly where I thought they could shove their gossiping opinions, but Avani’s hand clasped my wrist.
When I looked back at her, she gave a subtle shake of her head. Reluctantly, I stilled.
“Then there is theotherone,” the first voice responded. “That girl and her sullied reputation are going to march us directly into another war.”
“Honestly, Olivia, would that be such a terrible thing? The Socairan’s can’t imagine that stealing the princess, however debauched she may be, will go unpunished. It’s time we took the fight to them.” There was a beat of silence before the woman’s voice sounded again, her tone softer this time. “I know how much you lost in the last war, but Laird Wilson believes this may be--”
Avani’s grip tightened, her features hardening into a carefully drawn line, before she linked her arm in mine and calmly walked us around the other side of the pillar.
“Lady Olivia, Lady Fenella,” she greeted, sounding far more unfazed than I knew she was. Meanwhile, I ground my teeth in an effort to school my features. “What a pleasure it is to have you in attendance this evening.”
The two older women both donned expressions of utter shock and possibly—hopefully—embarrassment, as they dipped into curtsies.
“Indeed. We must have tea sometime,” I added with a grin that felt more like a snarl before we turned to walk away.
It was becoming clearer by the second that even six dances wouldn’t be enough of a show this evening.
Hell, I wasn’t sure any amount of smiling or dancing would be enough to save our reputations from the vicious clutches of court.
Worse yet, I wasn’t sure we would be able to stave off this war.
There hadn’t been enough coffee in the world to prepare myself for the cacophony in the council room the next morning.
Two hours of arguments turned into three, and then four, all while I narrowly resisted the urge to rub my temples.
Of course, I was the subject of conversation.
“I still dinna ken why we’re entertaining an alliance proposal wi’ the kingdom that trapped her in the first place,” Laird Buchanan said from across the round table.
At least half of the council members nodded in agreement.
“Because…” Uncle Oli replied, running a tired hand over his face.
His blue eyes, the exact same shade of Davin’s, were lined with fatigue. We were all tired, though. Of this situation. Of this conversation.
“The alternative is war,” he continued. “Some of the lairds are already clamoring for it, worried their sons and daughters will be next--”
“And are they wrong?” Laird MacBay interjected. “They stole our princess, twice, and tortured her while she was there.” Anger laced his tone.
Technically, that had been Ava, but that wasn’t exactly common knowledge. The council members were some of the few people who knew about the flogging at all.