Page 50 of Crimson Kingdom
Red crept into my cheeks, though I tried to will it back down. “Mhmm. It toe, that I injured, and it...always acts up when a storm is coming.”
Avani gave the barest shake of her head, disbelief coating her features.
Evander knew perfectly good and well that it wasn’t only storms I could sense. He had never outright confronted me about it, but he had taken to asking me about the temperature or the snowfall while I was at Bear.
He also knew, having seen my bare feet with regularity, that each of my toes was intact and decidedly un-injured.
“Indeed.” A muscle ticked in his jaw, a sure sign he was fighting back a laugh, but he didn’t contradict me.
Thankfully, Gwyn cut through my awkward response and saved the day. “I think it’s time for a game ofClubball.”
Gwyn was celebrating her victory, and the rest of us were finishing up the snacks when Avani looked sharply in the direction of the stables.
She let out a low warning whistle, a signal my Da’ had taught us.
Someone was coming.
My cousins and I froze, and the Socairan lords caught on quickly. Seconds later, a group of men crested the hill. They were dressed in navy and silver, and each of them was armed.
H’rian rebels.
Not everyone in our kingdom had taken kindly to the treaty at all, let alone to the roundabout way in which it was fulfilled. Through two decades of hard work, my parents had largely gained the trust and the respect of the kingdom.
But clearly, there were outliers.
Evander reached for one of the sabers on his back, but I put my hand over his, shaking my head. He held my gaze for a long, considering moment before lowering his hand, though it was clear he didn’t like it.
“Is there something we can do for you?” Avani called to the ten men surrounding us.
“The Socairans took two of our own, Highness. We only wish tae return the favor, since yer parents are too soft tae bother.”
“That isn’t going to happen,” Avani said. “And we both know you don’t want to attack a member of the royal family, let alone five. It’s an offense punishable by death.”
The leader spat on the ground. “The royal line has been tainted ever since that bastard took the throne.”
I sucked in a furious breath, though it was hardly the first time someone had said that about Da’.
“Then at least consider whether you’re willing to sacrifice your lives for this cause,” Gallagher said.
The man scoffed. “My men number far greater ‘an the four of ye, and I’m no’ too worrit about a few lasses.”
Even here, old ideals died a hard, slow death. Rather than take offense, Gwyn just let out a low, dangerous chuckle, and I almost felt sorry for the men.
“All right, then,” Avani said, drawing her sword. “On your own heads be it.”
Once again, Evander went for his weapons, and Theo as well, but my sister hissed a warning.
“My lords,” she said under her breath. “Kindly do not put me in the position of having to explain why Socairans spilled Lochlannian blood on our own soil. Do not draw your weapons. Stand aside.”
Evander looked murderous, but he nodded, a single, sharp dip of his head. Theo looked more affronted than anything. I gave him a sympathetic look.
I knew what it was to be in a position to not be able to protect yourself, but Avani was right. It would do more harm than good.
The rest of us held our weapons at the ready, standing protectively between the rebels and the Socairans.