Page 40 of Crimson Kingdom
“And you,” I replied, and meant it. “How has your visit fared so far? My cousins haven’t robbed you of your coin over cards yet, have they?”
He let out a low chuckle and shook his head. “No, it’s my job to keep an eye on the men down here. Besides, I’m not quite brave enough to risk playing against your family yet. I’ve got to keep some of my dignity, after all.”
“That’s fair.” I laughed before gesturing to the swords on the wall. “How about a sparring match instead?”
He started to nod before catching sight of something behind me, shaking his head again instead. “Better not.”
Sighing, I turned around, already knowing what had changed Yuriy’s mind.
“Care to go at it again, Lemmikki?” Evander said in a voice far too amused to be casual.
Theo stiffened, and Davin got in a solid hit. I looked at Evander sharply.
He gestured to the ring, his features innocent. “I meant sparring, obviously.”
I knew I should say no, but I couldn’t turn down the chance to pit my new training against his impressive skill with a blade. Which was, obviously, the only reason I opened my mouth to say yes.
Fortunately, before I got the word out, another voice cut in.
“I’ll spar with you,” Gallagher cut in smoothly.
His features were neutral, but his tone was just a bit pointed. I wondered what he had heard that he felt the need to step in and save me...from Evander, or from myself?
“Of course,” Evander agreed easily, like it didn’t matter to him either way.
With all the rings full, I sank onto one of the logs off to the side to watch. Seconds later, Avani’s curse rang through the courtyard. She came to sit next to me while Gwyn picked another poor victim from the soldiers around us.
My sister pulled out her flask, offering it to me as the clashing of steel rang out around us.
“It must have been awful, being stuck in Socair with the two of them,” she said drily, looking between the Socairan lords.
I took the flask from her, surveying them both.
Evander was meeting Gallagher blow for blow. He had removed his black jacket, so he wore only his trousers and one of the shirts I had grown so familiar with.
The light fabric accentuated the muscles in his shoulders every time he moved. His black hair was falling carelessly onto his brow, his gray eyes intent with focus.
Then there was Theo, whose biceps were straining the arms of his similarly crafted outfit. The sunlight brought out the golden flecks in his hazel eyes, and his solid arms flexed with every powerful arc of his sword.
“Mhmm.” I took a long swig of whiskey.
We sat in silence for a few more minutes, long enough for Theo and Evander to both win their respective matches. And Gwyn, of course.
Gallagher offered to spar with Theo next, and for some reason, I was expecting Davin to ask Evander, but he didn’t. Gwyn did.
Which made sense, of course. She always liked to go up against the most skilled person in any arena, and it was fairly clear in this space that person was Evander.
Avani’s eyes bored into me, but I ignored her, taking another long dreg from her flask. Davin wiped the sweat from his face, coming to join us, and we observed the matches for a few minutes in silence.
“My money’s on Theo with Gallagher,” my cousin said.
“I’ll take that bet,” Avani nodded. “Gal is faster.”
“Ah, but Theo is more motivated.” He glanced significantly in my direction, then paused to watch the other fight. “And, oof, the other one is tough, but Gwyn doesn’t seem to have her usual advantage of being underestimated.”
“No,” Avani agreed. “He isn’t letting his guard down, but I’m still not sure he’s all in.”