Page 37 of Crimson Kingdom
For all that I had accused him of lacking in honesty, I realized no part of me was brave enough to ask for the truths I wanted, so I hedged.
“I want to know, if this isn’t just about getting back at Iiro, how it is you didn’t find the time to mention that you were interested in a marriage alliance in the months I was in--Bear.” I stopped myself just short of saying,your bed, but his features sharpened like he heard it anyway.
“While you were betrothed to Korhonan, you mean?” Sarcasm coated his tone. “Or after that, when you were recovering from a flogging that nearly killed you?”
“Let’s go with after that,” I suggested with the same false pleasantry.
He let out a long-suffering sigh. “I’m not actually in the habit of proposing to my prisoners.”
“No.” I let out a bitter huff of air. “Just kissing them.”
His arrogant mask was firmly in place, but something dangerous churned beneath the surface, as it always did.
“A mistake I have already acknowledged,” he said quietly.
I let out a slow breath, determined not to let myself react to those words, outwardly or otherwise.
“Well,” I finally said, “I suppose your people can be grateful that’s a horror you’re willing to revisit, if only for a night.”
“Two nights, actually.” The bastard actually had the nerve to smirk. “I’m assuming you would want a wedding in Lochlann, and we would need another one in Socair.”
“Then it’s fortunate you’ll be spared both of them.” I turned to go, but his obnoxiously confident voice sounded behind me.
“The week’s not over yet, Lemmikki.”
Gwyn and Gallagher arrived the next morning while we were finishing up breakfast. I had just polished off the last of several biscuits when they came gliding through the doors.
The twins were nearly identical, both tall and lanky with Uncle Finn’s light brown skin and Aunt Isla’s copper curls. Gallagher’s hair was cut short, and Gwyn’s was braided back tightly against her head, only emphasizing their similarities.
“Look,” I said under my breath to Evander. “It’s your future bride now. Perhaps you can come up with a proposal for her nearly asaalioas the one you made to me.”
Evander raised an eyebrow, sizing Gwyn up in a glance. His gaze traveled from her warrior’s stance to the sword she had strapped to her side and its well-worn hilt, but his features gave nothing away.
For all my hurling in his face that she didn’t want marriage right now, it occurred to me that Evander might be exactly what she was looking for. He was a skilled fighter with a strategic mind and a...passably handsome face.
Who’s lying now?
I ignored that inner voice, grateful for the distraction when Uncle Finn and Aunt Isla walked in so I could look away from his stupidly perfectly crafted features.
While my uncle had his characteristic congenial smile, my aunt’s features were more drawn than usual. Her eyes flitted around the room until they landed on...Evander.
And he was staring back at her, curiosity and something like wariness in his gaze.
Aunt Isla glanced at my mother, who nodded, then back to Evander. Of course, in another life, she would have been his stepmother.
It struck me that he might have had a happier childhood, even with his father’s issues, instead of suffering years of abuse at Ava’s hands. But then, Isla would have been married to a monster.
There had been no good choices.
Everyone else was merrily visiting, Theo already engaged in conversation with Gallagher, and Davin teasing Gwyn while my dad and Uncle Finn caught up.
But I watched, transfixed, as Isla crossed the room to Evander, and finally, I recognized the expression on her face.
It was guilt.
“Lord Evander,” she greeted as he got to his feet. “I’m--”
“Princess Isla,” he said neutrally.