Page 17 of Crimson Kingdom
I bit back an amused smile.
“Is my stretching scandalizing you, Lord Theo?” I asked, pulling myself up into a sitting position.
“Well, I would expect no less.” He said the words nonchalantly, but red still colored his cheeks.
I shook my head, though his reaction did bring a question to mind.
“Would you do this with me in Elk? If we marry?” I asked. “Or would the entire clan die of shock?”
Theo met my gaze, his own thoughtful. “There are private sparring spaces we could use, since your stretching would no doubt be distracting.”
The corner of his mouth tugged up in a smile, and I let out a small laugh. That was more progress than I had been hoping for, and his point about my stretching wasn’t entirely unfair.
Although, in the Elk dresses, that wasn’t quite as much of a concern. Assuming I would have to keep wearing those dresses.
WhatwouldI be doing once we got there? Knitting?
“You know that I will never be Inessa,” I told him cautiously. “There’s nothing wrong with the way she is, but it isn’t me.”
It was difficult to meet his eye, but I refused to look away. His expression turned more serious.
“I would never want you to be Inessa, or anyone other than who you are, Rowan.” He moved closer, taking my hands in his. “I know this isn’t going to be easy. I’m sure there are compromises that we’ll both need to make, but I am willing to try if you are.”
He brought my knuckles to his lips, pressing a warm kiss against them.
That was certainly fair. And I wanted to tell him that I was willing to try, also, but I couldn’t seem to force the words out. So, I made a joke instead.
“Even if it means I scandalize the countryside, intentionally or not?” I raised an eyebrow, and Theo chuckled.
“If you were truly so determined to scandalize me, I’m sure you would be dressing like the other ladies of your court.” He gestured vaguely to indicate the off-the-shoulder style that was so popular during the summer.
He was making a joke, making conversation, but my heart sank into my stomach.
He didn’t know about the flogging.
Well, he would certainly find out if we were married.
“I have scars,” I said quietly.
A line furrowed in his brow.
“I think I would have noticed…” he trailed off, his face hardening. “Something happened to you, in Bear?”
I squeezed my eyes shut, though I had to wonder how Evander had kept this under wraps with the guards’ propensity to gossip.
“The Duke caught me in his chambers.” I didn’t want to reveal the unusual power structure at Bear. “He had me publicly flogged.”
Pure fury overtook Theo’s features, more intense than I had seen even at the Summit when Evander claimed me. “He. Did. What?”
“It’s fine,” I said, the words coming out hollow.
He opened his mouth to argue, but I spoke over him.
“They’re healed now. I just...thought you should know, because…” I gestured to my back, remembering how he had once kissed the smooth, unblemished skin of my shoulder where a ropey lash mark now resided. “There are scars.”
Theo’s fists clenched, and he took several measured breaths. I tried to look away, but he gently put a hand on my face.
“The only reason I care about any scars you have, Rowan, is knowing the pain you went through to get them. I should have fought harder to get you back. I thought…” He trailed off when I placed my hand on his chest.