Page 14 of Crimson Kingdom
He might actually die at one of our intimate family meals if he couldn’t handle them over a glass of port before dinner.
By the time we made it to the Great Hall for dinner, Theo strode in to speak with some of the high-ranking members of Elk Clan who had journeyed with him, likely relieved at the excuse of a break from my siblings and father.
“Either he’s a glutton for punishment, or he really, really likes you.” I turned at the sound of Davin’s voice and he shrugged. “Though I suppose the former doesn’t negate the latter.”
I elbowed him in the ribs, and he grunted.
“I’m just saying, does he not mind that King Logie-Bear despises him?” The answering snort that burst out of me was apparently what my cousin was hoping for, and he grinned.
“Don’t let Da’ hear you call him that, or you won’t be his favorite anymore,” I said, walking away to sit with Theo.
“He finally admitted it?” Davin whisper-shouted behind me. “I knew it… I knew it!” he tacked on.
Avani shot him an eyeroll, though there was affection in her glance.
I took my seat between Avani and Theo at one of the grand tables. All but one night a week, we ate with the lairds and ladies of court who were residing at Chridhe at any given time.
It was generally a stuffy affair where we were forced to smile and be appropriate, something which took considerable effort on my part.
Theo glanced down at his place setting, taking the napkin from his plate to lay across his lap.
“I suppose it’s my turn to tell you which spoon to use,” I whispered to him, and his mouth pulled upward as he looked at me from the corner of his eye.
“Will we be having borscht?” he questioned. “Or whatever you call Lochlann’s version of beet soup.”
I made a small gagging noise from behind my own napkin, and he laughed.
“We do not have a version of borscht, because we appreciate the taste of food and do not wish to punish ourselves by eating things that taste disgusting.”
Theo shook his head, his grin still wide.
Uncle Oli’s voice sounded across the table. Theo turned to answer his question while my head spun in a thousand different directions. It reallycouldbe so easy with Theo…
A glance at my mother and sister told me that they could even be won over by him. It wouldn’t take much.
My father would probably never accept any man I married, so there was no love lost there.
I needed to marry into Socair either way, but even if I hadn’t, I would need to marry someone.
Theo was here, fighting for me, offering me not just an alliance, but a relationship.
Looking at him now, laughing with my family, I could see that future. The way he would always be chivalrous and protective and kind. How he would adore our children and me.
The quiet nights I would spend wrapped in his steady embrace, and even the way I genuinely believed that when he was the one in charge of Elk, he would be willing to implement changes for the better.
Add to that the fact that this alliance would help both my people and his.
This would be for the best. For everyone.
Unable to sleep, I found my way to Davin’s rooms down the hall. Before I could knock, the door swung open revealing a shirtless Davin and a startled Gracie MacBay.
I groaned internally.
Gracie pulled her loose sleeve up over her shoulder, a deep blush creeping into her pale cheeks.
“Princess Rowan,” she greeted demurely, her tousled brown locks swaying with the motion of a shallow curtsy.
“Lady Gracie,” I dipped my head in acknowledgment as she moved out into the hall.