Page 9 of Tarnished Crown
Who wasshe, and why were they concerned about any woman’s reaction? Perhaps Evander was in a betrothal of his own, which could be good news for me. Surely no woman would want her future husband to bring home
Evander’s response was lost, but Taras shook his head irritably. “Honestly, Van, what exactly was your plan?”
I started to tiptoe closer because that was something I very much wanted to know as well, but Kirill stepped next to me, giving me a knowing look. I shrugged because, really, what had they expected?
He shook his head, though his features remained congenial. “Glad to see you aren’t too shaken by the Unclanned attack.”
“There are rebels in Lochlann still, so it isn’t the first time I’ve been attacked on the road.”
He widened his eyes, but didn’t immediately respond.
I belatedly registered that he saidUnclannedin the Common Tongue, and notBesklanovvy, the Socairan word. “Why do you all speak the Common Tongue?”
Kirill smiled like he was happy I asked. Or maybe he was just a nice person, in general, which seemed odd given that he seemed to enjoy Evander’s company.
“Clan Bear is vast, encompassing both the plains and the mountains. The Common Tongue does not vary as much as the Socairan dialects, and it’s important to not have misunderstandings when you are giving soldiers orders.”
That made sense.
“So the villagers?”
“Those who are not soldiers usually speak their local language,” he confirmed.
I nodded my understanding. Then, because I had really nothing to lose at this point, I said, “Why are you being nice to me when I’m your prisoner and your enemy?”
The corner of his mouth tugged upward again. “You may be a prisoner for now, Princess, but I see no reason you have to be the enemy.”
The words were oddly comforting. I opened my mouth to respond when the pompous sound of Evander’s voice stopped me.
“We’ll take the eastern route tomorrow to avoid the Unclanned. Apparently, there are more of these larger bands gathering farther north.” His tone was as bored as ever, but there was a tense set to his shoulders. “Be on alert.”
“And here I thought Taras just missed us,” Kirill commented.
“Like I would cross all of Bear just to see your ugly face,” Taras fired back.
Now the dour man was just lying. Kirill had strong features, an aquiline nose and a cleft chin, but he was by no means unattractive, especially with the smooth olive skin most of the Socairans had.
More like a giant mass of raw masculinity. Whatever their faults, the Socairans did not lack for beautiful people. That had been my first thought on seeing Theo, even back when he was just the uptight man who was imprisoning me.
Even before he became so much more than that.
Conversation floated toward me, the men muttering about the odd attack yesterday.
“Are those large bands unusual?” I interjected, grateful for the distraction. “A group like that attacked us on the way to the Summit.”
My voice rang out louder in the stables than I was expecting, and several of the soldiers gasped or glared in my direction. Here I had almost let myself forget the delightful Socairan mindset that women were only to be admired from a distance. Silently.
Taras’ eyes widened and flitted from me to Evander.
“Iiro said there were easily forty men,” Evander explained.
Taras’ face paled. “Iiro? She was with Elk before you…” His words trailed off as he ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.“Der’mo.”
At least someone recognized what a nightmare this entire situation would be.
“Der’mo, indeed,” I echoed, trying to roll the R like they did.