Page 89 of Tarnished Crown
A familiar pang went through me, but it had already dulled in the week since I read his letter.
I shrugged with more nonchalance than I felt. “It didn’t really make sense to plan for a future neither of us knew if we could have. I understand why he had to do what he did.”
It was true.
Though I might have been sad, I didn’t blame Theo for taking care of his clan.
“Are you really all right with all of this?” I was, admittedly, changing the subject, but I also genuinely wanted to know. “I know you didn’t want to marry into Bear.”
She leaned back onto the pillows, looking at the ceiling. “At least if I marry Taras, we’ll be close.” She winced when she realized what she had indicated. “Not that I want you to be stuck here. Surely he isn’t planning onkeepingyou forever. Want me to help you off him in his sleep?”
I laughed. “It’s tempting, but he isn’t as bad as the rumors say. And no, I don’t think he’ll keep me here forever.” I swallowed, not wanting to continue with that line of thought. “But I like that we’ll be close for a while.”
“Speaking of which, are you staying in here, too?” She gestured around the room.
The smallest thrill of panic went through me when I thought about the nightmares. About where I would be sleeping instead of here, and how Mila might feel about that.
“No,” I said a little too quickly. “Evander...likes to keep me close. You know, in case I need to fetch something for him in the middle of the night,” I lied.
Her features didn’t reflect the surprise I was expecting, and I narrowed my eyes. “Why do I feel like you already knew that?”
“There might have been rumors. But most people think they’re just that!” she added, seeing my expression. “It doesn’t matter, honestly. Who cares what they think? I only cared at all when I thought he was forcing you, but now...”
“But now?”
The smallest hint of a smirk teased at her lips. “That’s just not the feeling I got. Now, I just feel sorry for you. It must be awful, sleeping next to someone so vile-looking every night.”
So much for them thinking it was about me being a captor.
Still, I couldn’t help an answering smile. “Yeah. He’s disgusting.”
“The whole family is, really.” She shrugged, but mirth sparkled in her eyes.
“It’s a shame, honestly.” I nodded gravely. “Perhaps their ancestor was a troll?”
“That would make sense,” she said.
“I can...barely look at any of them.” I pursed my lips.
“Ah. Indeed. Me either.” Her eyes caught mine, and she let out a wicked chuckle. “Let’s go barely look at them in the sauna.”
I let out a startled laugh. “Why, Mila! I thought you said that wasneversexual.”
“Technically, it isn’t, societally speaking.” She widened her eyes. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t check out the potential future goods.”
“Well, I can’t offer much information on that front, but I do happen to know that Taras has a superior arse-to-snow imprint.”
This time she laughed louder, a sound that warmed the entire room more than the fire in the hearth. “Well, that is certainly comforting. Do I even want to guess?”
I raised my eyebrows. “I have a feeling you might get to see for yourself, and I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
We hurriedly found two robes for the sauna and changed out of our dresses.
First, I helped Mila go through the extensive process of unlacing hers and taking each layer off. It made me appreciate my dresses all the more, how easily I could change without the help of someone else.
I wasn’t sure I would ever go back to any other style again.