Page 86 of Tarnished Crown
“Generally, it is.” He let out one of his humorless laughs. “But in my case, I would be just as happy to see the line continue through Taras. There is plenty of chaos in my life without introducing a wife into the equation.”
Well, at least I didn’t have to worry about offending anyone in the near future with my presence. Which was a relief.
The morning brought with it a mix of emotions.
Excitement to see Mila, but also nervousness on her behalf. She had pretended to be cavalier about marriage when she spoke of it at the Summit, but she had at least expected to stay in Lynx.
She had also said that only a marriage to a Clan heir was worth switching clans for.
What had changed Arès’ mind?
Whatever it was, I knew what it was to be ripped away from your home and family and to face the idea of starting a life somewhere new.
It was terrifying, even when it was exhilarating.
I changed quickly, not bothering to put my dagger back on this morning. After so long without it, the sheath chafed at my thigh, and the cabin felt safe enough not to need it.
Still, it was all I could do not to sprint down the stairs when I heard the carriage roll up.
As soon as the door opened, she came bursting through it.
She looked as gorgeous as I remembered, even after days of travel. Her brown hair was partially pinned up to fall down her back in waves, her tan skin a contrast to her flowing teal gown and silver cloak.
“Scarlet Princess!” she exclaimed in her low, raspy tone, her R’s rolling nearly as thickly as Kirill’s did.
Even though we had only known each other a short time, Mila felt like the other half of my offbeat soul. I laughed, running to her and throwing my arms around her neck.
“Are you all right?” she asked, squeezing me back.
I nodded, trying not to wince as her grip bit into the tender skin on my back.
“My father swore you were fine,” she said. “And I know your letters said it,’s Bear, and Evander.” She crinkled her nose.
“I really am,” I said, unable to keep the smile from my lips. “And they aren’t as bad as you might think.”
She shot me a skeptical look. “Well, I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Fair enough,” I told her.
Her grin returned as she linked her arm in mine and we made our way further from the door to allow the rest of the party entrance into the house.
“Lord Evander,” she said coldly as he approached.
“Lady Mila,” he responded with some version of his usual casual air, except this time, I could see there was real warmth in his expression, probably because she was here to marry his cousin.
But I doubted she noticed that.
There would be time enough for her to learn the many nuanced expressions of the Bear heirs soon, though. For now, I just wanted to see my friend.
She took a deep whiff of the sweetly spiced air and her eyes fluttered. “Is that medovukha?” she asked hopefully.
“Of course.” I pulled her along to the kitchen to get us both mugs.
Riina was already ladling some of the still-steaming beverage for us. She seemed even more pleased this morning than she had before, as if she was thrilled for all of the guests, or more likely, just pleased to have more women around.