Page 35 of Tarnished Crown
There were also no more drinking games when we stopped at another barn for the night, mostly because we had to spend the evening under the watchful glare of Sir stick-in-the-mud and LordAalio.
The moon was high in the sky the next evening when we arrived at the cabin where we would spend the night before heading to the border.
Though, what Evander had called a cabin was nearly half the size of the castle at the estate. Only where that was gray stone and spires, this was all sweeping windows and dark wooden logs.
“The cabin is prepared, so everyone can care for their own mounts tonight,” Taras announced.
Kirill offered to care for mine, but I shook my head.
“I can do it,” I told him. “Unless, of course, LordAaliois worried I’ll abscond into the frigid night.”
Evander raised his eyebrows. “If you want to be eaten by wolves or a rabid bear, by all means.”
“The only rabid bear I see here is you.” I smiled sweetly.
He ignored me, dismounting and leading his horse into the stables. I followed, putting my horse in the stall next to his. Kirill led his to the stall on my other side.
My massive mount towered over me by more than a foot, but I was determined not to let that dissuade me.
We both stood, staring at one another with our heads cocked to the side. Even though I wasn’t the sibling that could communicate with animals, I already knew he was judging me.
Maybe it was the slight gleam in his eye, or the fact that he huffed in disbelief as soon as he saw me, but either way, I took it as a challenge instead of accepting defeat this soon.
Grabbing the stool in the corner, I climbed on top of it and flipped the reins over his head to begin the work to remove his bridle. His ear twitched, and he huffed an approving breath when I slipped the bridle off.
I whispered to the gelding while I was working.
“You know, Mother makes us take care of our horses back home. Granted, Avani is a little better at it than the rest of us, but that’s understandable.”
The horse pawed at the ground, and I took it as a sign to stop talking.Rude.Once I slipped off his bridle, I replaced it with a halter and secured him to the stall.
A nicker sounded behind me, and I grinned.
“Told you I’ve done this before,” I said, moving on to the saddle next.
When I was finished unstrapping the saddle, I barely caught the thing as it slid off, knocking me from the stool. The saddle easily weighed forty pounds and was far heavier than the ones we used back home.
Stumbling over to the side of the stall, I heaved it onto the divider. At least only Kirill was here to witness my struggle. Evander had apparently left, so I would be spared his mockery for a change.
I was especially grateful for that fact when I used a little too much momentum and it went sailing over the other side.
A grunt sounded in time with the thud, and I froze.
“Lemmikki,” Evander’s deep voice was strained. “There are more creative ways to kill a man. I’d prefer my legacy not end because you can’t hold on to a saddle.” He got to his feet, holding onto said murderous saddle with annoyance plain in his features. He placed it back on the divider, this time a little more securely.
My hand flew to my mouth, and I leaned back into the horse, trying to stifle a laugh.Apparently, Evander had not left.
Clearing my throat, I attempted a serious tone.
“I don’t know. Having contemplated your demise thoroughly, I’m convinced that you absolutely deserve a mediocre death.”
Evander didn’t deign to respond to that, only walked out muttering something that sounded suspiciously like,Where are the rabid bears when you need one?
The cabin was warm, with a fire crackling in the hearth and the savory scent of stew wafting in from the kitchen, surprisingly inviting and comfortable for its size.
A couple emerged from around the corner, smiles on their faces until they saw me. They both shot my hair surprised glances, clearly wary of my presence.