Page 98 of The Perfect Deception
Leading her into the living room, he pointed to the couch he’d vacated, imagining his wish of her sitting next to him coming true. But she sat across the coffee table from him, as if she needed the physical barrier between them. Bands of pressure tightened around his chest.
“Sit down,” he said. “Would you like something to drink? Eat?”
She shook her head no, making her curls bounce, making Adam’s fingers itch to touch them. He sat on his couch on top of his hands and stared at her, drinking her in. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, and he didn’t know what to say first. It was as if all the words he wanted to say rushed from his brain toward his mouth at once, couldn’t all fit, and sat behind his lips, trying to jam forward and getting stuck.
“I heard what you said,” she said, gripping her fingers until her knuckles turned white.
What he’d said? When? Where? He wracked his brain trying to figure out what she meant. Oh, his phone calls.
“You mean the messages I left on your voice mail.”
She bit her lip. “No. I deleted those.”
The bands around his chest grew tighter. He cleared his throat. “Oh. The texts?”
She shook her head. “No, I still have those, but I meant the video.”
Oh God, there’s a video?Images of Kardashian sex tapes filtered through his mind. What the hell had he done? “What video?”
She pulled out her phone, tapped on the screen and held it out to him. His breath expelled in a whoosh of relief, before he inhaled sharply, making himself choke. Dina half rose as if to help him, but he waved her away, rubbed his streaming eyes and sat back on the couch. “Where did this come from?”
She shrugged. “I found it on Reddit.”
Only now did her earlier words sink in.I heard what you said.Never mind where the video had come from, she’d watched it.
In his head, he knew that admitting he’d been wrong was the right thing to do. It was honorable and honest and some might even say, brave. And although he’d chosen to do it in a roomful of people he worked with, it had been easier than one would think because Dina wasn’t there. He’d only had to say his side of the story. She hadn’t been there to respond or reject him.
But she was here now. He should be thrilled because he’d been trying to talk to her for weeks without success. Her showing up at his apartment was unexpected, but meant she wanted to talk to him too. His heart pounded and his throat went dry. He reached for his soda and took a long swallow. God, what he’d give for a beer right now. But he’d been overdoing it lately and the last thing he wanted was to blow this time with Dina. So he focused on her and tried to calm the bouncing ball of fear in his chest.
“That was quite an apology you gave,” she said.
“I meant every word, and more.”
“Why did you tell them? They don’t know me.”
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “My dad made this big speech about me. About how I was innocent. And about how you were the one to prove it to him. He was honest, and I felt I needed to be too. Including about how badly I’d treated you and how sorry I was. Because I wanted a fresh start. And I couldn’t have one unless I told them everything.”
She rose and he opened his mouth to stop her from leaving. But she was only pacing and he kept his gaze trained on her, ready to jump up and block the door if she left, or better yet, fall to his knees and beg her to stay.
“I don’t understand what happened the night of my reunion. One moment, those women were telling me ridiculous lies, the next moment you shut down and then you accused me of being in collusion with them.”
Collusion. God, he loved her. Even if she didn’t love him back. “Those ‘ridiculous’ things were accurate.” At her look of surprise, he held up his hand. “No, I didn’t lie about giving her the material to file. I didn’t throw her under the bus. But the women were right about the personal stuff. Before you, I never committed to anyone. ”
“I know.”
Now it was his turn to look shocked.
She laughed. “Come on, Adam, your personality, at first glance, screams player. I’m sure you’ve done plenty of things with plenty of women before me. I don’t care about any of it, as long as it happenedbeforeme.”
He swallowed, afraid if he spoke, he’d pop whatever bubble there was supporting this fantasy and fall splat back into reality.
“What I do care about is everything else,” she said.
He ran a hand over his head. How could he possibly explain this to her? He’d show all his insecurities at once. Taking a deep breath, he took the plunge. “We were dancing and I told you I loved you and you didn’t reply.” A squeak made him look up and he held up a hand. “No, don’t. It’s fine. You didn’t have to say it then, or at all for that matter. I didn’t tell you because I wanted you to say anything. I told you because it’s what was in my heart and I wanted you to know. But then the accusations started and I saw you with them and I didn’t know what they’d told you. And knowing my reputation, I was afraid you’d believe them.”
“I never knew her, never liked any of her friends, and no reunion is going to change that. I’d never believe them over you. They mean nothing to me.”
“I know that now, but I panicked.”