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Page 92 of The Perfect Deception

Dina shud­dered. “No thanks, I’ll leave it to you. And I’ll pick a movie tonight and let you know.”

As they sat down to eat, Dina’s phone buzzed again, and she shut it off.

“You’re sure?” Tracy said, eye­ing the phone.

“He’ll get bored. It’ll pass.”

“Okay. In the mean­time, I should prob­a­bly plan on only us­ing your home phone to reach you, huh?”

Dina laughed. “For the time be­ing.”

The next morn­ing, a pot of basil, tied with a yel­low rib­bon, ar­rived for Dina at the li­brary. She frowned as she pulled the card from the en­ve­lope.

“If it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most of­fend­ing soul.”—Adam

“Mmm, that smells so good,” Tracy said as she walked by. “Where’d you get it?”


“He sent you basil?” She started to laugh. “So he went from stalk­ing your apart­ment, to tex­ting non-stop, to send­ing you an herb?”

Dina started to gig­gle. “It’s so strange.”

“There has to be a rea­son. Let me think about this one.”

“Trace, there’s a card, too.”

Tracy’s mouth dropped when she read the card. “Did you know he was this odd when you were dat­ing him?”

Dina blinked. “No.”

“Don’t cry, sweetie. Let’s en­joy the game.” Tracy picked up the pot and brought it to her desk.

With­out the over­pow­er­ing scent of basil, Dina was able to breathe again and af­ter a few at­tempts, she fo­cused her thoughts on or­ga­niz­ing the chil­dren’s pro­grams for May. Just when her stom­ach started to rum­ble, Tracy re­turned with the pot.

“I fig­ured it out. He’s ac­tu­ally pretty clever, you know.”

“Do I want to know?”

Tracy put her hand on her shoul­der. “It’s up to you.”

Dina sighed. “Fine, tell me. Why is he send­ing me herbs?”

“Not ‘herbs,’ a spe­cific herb. Flow­ers and herbs and trees all have spe­cific mean­ings. Basil means ‘good wishes.’ Col­ors do too, and yel­low is for apolo­gies. The Shake­speare quote is also an apol­ogy.”

“Yeah, I got that part.”

“He put a lot of ef­fort into this one.”

“Still doesn’t change my mind.” Dina rubbed the yel­low rib­bon be­tween her fin­gers.

“I never said it should. Do you want this or do you want me to keep it?”

“You keep it.” Mem­ory of all the gold flow­ers he’d sent her for her re­union flashed through her mind and she shiv­ered. It had been thought­ful, but over the top. And think­ing of them made her re­mem­ber the dis­as­ter of the re­union.

“Want to grab lunch?” Tracy asked.

“No thanks, I brought my own to­day. Be­sides, I haven’t been fo­cus­ing on work very well and I need to get stuff done. These piles aren’t go­ing away nearly as fast as I’d like.”

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