Page 90 of The Perfect Deception
Dina lay curled in a ball on her bed, the shades drawn. She’d spent an hour talking to Tracy, or rather, sobbing to Tracy. Her throat was parched, her eyes were gritty and her limbs felt heavy. She had the “Adam Flu.” And she was pissed.
He was an ass. There was no reason for her to feel this bad after clearing his name with his father. The truth was supposed to set her free, or some crap like that. It was supposed to make her feel better.
It didn’t.
Maybe if Adam hadn’t shown up. But he did and the sight of him shredded her heart.
Her intercom buzzed and she roused herself enough to stumble out to the kitchen. Tracy was a sweetheart to come over.
“Hello?” Her voice was hoarse.
“Dina, let me in.”
The masculine voice was not Tracy. For a millisecond, she tried to convince herself it was Tracy’s husband, but she knew better.
“Go away, Adam.”
“Dina, I want to talk to you.”
She leaned against the wall. “I don’t want to talk to you. Go away, Adam.”
She returned to her bedroom and burrowed under the covers as she listened to the intercom continue to buzz. There was nothing to talk about.
After five minutes of near continuous buzzing—she could almost picture him leaning against the button like some crazy combination of debonair movie star and petulant toddler—the noise ceased. Dina raised her head. The silence was disturbing and a relief at the same time. Exhaling, she made herself more comfortable among the light blue and yellow throw pillows and soft white comforter.
And then the knocking started.
“Oh no,” she said. “Oh no, no, no, no, no!”
She threw back the covers and stormed to her front door. Through the peephole, she saw Adam. Which of her neighbors was she going to have to kill?
“Go away, Adam!”
“Dina, I need to talk to you. Please let me in.”
The knocking turned to pounding, and as she leaned against the door, the wood vibrated against her back.
“Dina, come on.”
“Adam, if you don’t stop, I’m calling the police.”
Her phone buzzed in her pocket and a text from Tracy appeared.
are you okay
adam is here. he wants me to let him in
The knocking ceased and Dina waited, sure it would resume. But after a few minutes, she heard his footsteps recede. Her phone buzzed again.
I told him to stop
so did I. how’d you do it?