Page 9 of The Perfect Deception
“Threatened by the smart girl?” She held her breath as the words escaped her mouth. She meant it as a joke, but some jokes weren’t funny. Then again, he’d been dismissive of her the other day.
“If I say yes, will you take pity and go out with me?” A smile played about his mouth.
He was persistent, she had to give him that. The last time a “pretty boy” had pursued her this hard was when she was a freshman in high school, taking a senior-level chemistry class. One of the senior boys wanted to cheat off her lab report. She hadn’t let him cheat then, because she was morally opposed to it. He’d continued to bother her about it for the rest of the year, as if the nagging would change her mind. It hadn’t worked back then, but it was starting to work now. And that would never do. Maybe the best way to get rid of Adam was to agree to go out with him.
She’d expected him to grin some plastic, car salesman-y grin. Instead, his eyes lightened to emerald, backlit with a warm glow. Her heart lurched.
“How’s Friday night?”
Blinking, she tried to focus on his words. “Um, actually, I go to temple on Friday nights.”
He nodded. “Okay, how about Thursday night? There’s a bar in Newark that has live bands Thursdays. They’re usually pretty good.”
A bar? He wanted to take her to a bar? In Newark? Visions of a quiet dinner or a show popped her bubble. She resigned herself to another night where she didn’t fit in. High school all over again. It was too late to back out now. “Okay.”
He confirmed her phone number and gave her his, promising to call later in the week to arrange specifics. He’d probably change his mind. But she wouldn’t tell him that. Finally, he left and she returned to her desk.
“You have a date, how wonderful!” Rose, an older woman who worked with Dina, clapped her hands in glee.
“I wouldn’t get too excited. He’s totally not my type.”
Rose winked. “Sometimes, those are the best kind, sweetie. Shave your legs and bring protection.”
“What?” Dina couldn’t believe Rose was saying this to her. In a library of all places. “I would never sleep with him on the first date.”
The salt-and-pepper-haired woman gave a knowing smile. “You do know you don’t need protection for sleeping, right?”
“You mean you weren’t talking about ear plugs for noise?” Dina asked, eyebrow raised.
“He’s handsome and likes you. Just be prepared.”
As Dina returned to her desk and thought seriously about bleaching her ears, she discounted Rose’s assessment. Adam didn’t “like” her. He felt guilty, sure. He was concerned about what she thought of him, okay. But like her? Please.
Chapter Three
On Monday, Adam walked straight to the paralegals. “Hey, Kim, I brought in my old study guides for the bar.” He’d spent all day Sunday putting them in order for her. A single mom whose husband had walked out on her and her two children, she’d told him about her desire to become a lawyer, and he’d encouraged her, helping her out the last two years, entertaining her kids, and smoothing the way for her to leave early to study. She was in the home stretch and he was proud of his friend.
She jumped, looked around and gave him an awkward smile. “Thanks, Adam.”
Others in the area stopped what they were doing and watched the exchange. It was weird. He held out a binder and after swallowing, Kim reached for it.
“Everything okay?” he asked. “I know the exam can be stressful, but with all the real-world experience you’re getting here, and how hard you’re studying, you’re going to do great.”
Her cheeks colored. “Yeah.”
She was usually a lot more talkative. “If you want, I can give up my lunch hour today and help you study. I still remember the tricks and techniques I used.”
“No, that’s okay. But thanks.” She got up from her desk, skirted around him and walked over to one of the other paralegals, who shot him a glance before whispering to Kim.
He stood there, feeling awkward, before returning to his office.
On Tuesday, he passed Kim at the copy machine. “Did you take a look at the stuff I gave you yesterday? If you need anything—”
“Adam, really, I’m fine. Thanks. I’ve got this on my own now.”
“Are you sure? I can take Oliver and Jared out for ice cream again, or a movie, like last time, if you need time alone to study.”