Page 85 of The Perfect Deception
Oops. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I’m anxious to find out what you wanted to tell me.”
Cheryl grimaced as she rubbed her leg through her black wool trousers. “That’s okay. Yeah. So, you know how Ashley accused Adam Mandel of not actually giving her the forms she needed?”
“You mean the motion.”
Cheryl waved her hands. “Yeah, whatever, the motion.”
“Well, she made it up. All of it.”
“Why?” Dina leaned forward. “Why would she do that?”
“Apparently, Adam is competing with someone else at the firm for junior partner. The guy—I don’t know his name—is nervous because Adam’s dad is the head of the firm. And Ashley has a thing for him. So she decided to help the guy by messing up Adam’s cases. I guess this isn’t the first one she didn’t file on time. She mentioned doing it a couple months ago and then again this time.”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe she’d play with someone’s reputation and career like that! You know he got fired, right? From hisDad’sfirm!”
“She’s a witch and she cares only about herself and her own interests. Well, and the other guy, although knowing her, it probably won’t last.”
Dina sat back as the waiter delivered their sushi, but she couldn’t bring herself to eat. Her stomach roiled at the destruction Ashley had caused.
She squinted at Cheryl. “Why are you telling me this?” Her heartbeat increased as she waited for her answer.
Cheryl’s expression hardened and Dina caught a glimpse of the mean girl she remembered from high school. “She tried to steal my boyfriend.”
“But I thought she was into the other guy at the firm?”
Cheryl shrugged. “With Ashley, there’s always someone.”
If this was the big league, Dina wanted no part of it. She wanted to stay in her own world, where people acted like adults, where girlfriends trusted their boyfriends and vice versa, where communication and not deception solved problems. But she couldn’t say that to Cheryl.
Dina picked at her food as Cheryl went into all the evil ways Ashley had tried to steal Cheryl’s boyfriend. Dina nodded and made sympathetic noises, but wasn’t required to do more, which was good since Cheryl left her little time to speak. Finally, when she took a break to breathe and pop the last piece of the California roll in her mouth, Dina turned the subject back toward Ashley’s accusation.
“But why are you telling me this? Why not go to the law firm or even Adam?”
“He’s your boyfriend. You should be the one who gets to do it.”
Cheryl was being her version of nice to her? Dina wasn’t sure if she should be thankful or wary.
“But they’re never going to believe me. It’s hearsay.”
Cheryl grabbed her phone and tapped the screen a few times. “Give me your number again.”
“Why?” She bit her lip. She didn’t mean to sound as if she didn’t want to give it out…well, she didn’t want to give it to Cheryl, but she should have hidden her feelings better. Except, Cheryl didn’t seem to care.
“Because I’m going to send you a screenshot of a text Ashley sent me.”
Dina gave her the number and a moment later, her phone binged. When she opened the text, she gasped.
Don’t forget, ladies, lying and
manipulation are the norm in the law
profession—I should know!
There was more, but red spots appeared in Dina’s vision and prevented her from reading any further. Her anger at Ashley’s careless disregard for the truth and for Adam threatened to overwhelm her.