Page 82 of The Perfect Deception
Damn them both.
Adam sifted through his email and shook his head. Still no word from any of the seven firms he’d interviewed with. The knot in his stomach tightened. No callbacks, no questions, nothing. He supposed it was better than a rejection, but there was little solace in that thought, since he still didn’t have a paycheck coming in and he was loathe to ask his father for a loan. Just the thought of approaching the man made his shoulders ache from tension.
However, if he didn’t get a job soon, he might have to. Bile rose in his throat and he swallowed the bitter taste.
Switching gears, he looked on his computer at his bills coming due. He had enough saved in the bank for this month and possibly next, but sweat gathered on his upper lip as he looked at his list of expenses: rent on his “luxury” apartment, his BMW lease and law school loan. Those were the biggies. But then there were his everyday expenses: food, phone, cable and clothes. And others he couldn’t think of right now. His friends expected him to socialize a certain amount, and while he’d cut back after his breakup with Dina, they wouldn’t let him continue to live the life a hermit for long. Although he didn’t need expensive work clothes right now, he still had a look to maintain, especially during interviews. And a guy had to eat. He might be jumping the gun a little, but he was starting to get nervous.
Should he look for a different job to tide him over? It would keep him from having to ask his father for money, but what would he do? Bartend? He’d seen help-wanted signs at plenty of the bars he frequented. The places did great and were always packed, which meant good tips and plenty of work. But it was one thing to be a patron. It was something completely different to work there and let his friends and acquaintances see him. What would they think of him? Temp work? He wasn’t qualified for much, and what if he was placed in the office of a former client? God, the embarrassment would be awful.
No, he’d have to wait it out a little longer. If he didn’t get a job offer in two more weeks, he’d evaluate his other options. In the meantime, he’d wait.
His ringing phone pulled him out of his worries about the future, until he saw his caller ID. His father. Crap. He was tempted to let it go to voicemail, but the slight, but improbable, chance that he was calling to offer him his old job back made him answer the phone.
“Adam, we need to meet.”
Should have let it go to voice mail. “About what?”
“Things I’d rather not discuss on the phone.”
Great. A crick formed in his neck. “I’m busy, Dad. I’ll give you a call when my calendar clears up.”
“No, we’ll set something up now. Your calendar can’t be that full, you’re not working for me and I haven’t heard of anyone else hiring you yet.”
Score one for good ole dad. “Okay, when?”
“Sunday, eleven o’clock. The house. And don’t bring any of your women.”
Adam hung up the phone and banged his head against the wall. Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse.
Dina burrowed under the quilt as she sat on the hearth in front of the lit fireplace, hands wrapped around her steaming teacup, and still she couldn’t warm up.
“Deen, come back over here,” Tracy said, juggling the baby on the sofa. “You’re going to catch on fire.”
She shook her head and stared into the flames. The yellow edges reminded her of Adam’s hair, and tears leaked from her eyes. Dammit, she should be done crying over that jerk.
“Why did Adam’s dad upset you so much?” Tracy asked.
Dina had dragged herself back to work after her lunch break and hidden herself in one of the storage rooms for most of the rest of the day. When Tracy had found her, she’d pulled her up and brought her to her house. Joe had taken one look at Dina, grabbed his jacket and left the house, with just a quick kiss for Tracy. Dina didn’t want to talk about it, had given Tracy only the barest of details, but she was her best friend and deserved to have her questions answered. With a sigh, she turned toward Tracy.
“Because he made me feel sorry for Adam and I don’t want to feel sorry for him. I want to hate him, and I do…mostly.”
“I still can’t believe he thinks you set him up.”
“I know. He was the one who forced me to take him to the stupid reunion. Why would I have resisted so hard if I wanted to set him up?”
“You know,” Tracy said, “for a lawyer, he’s not being logical.”
Dina shrugged and brought the tea to her lips. The liquid burned her throat, but she didn’t care.
“And for a guy, he’s being a dick.”
She sputtered and choked on the tea that was already half-swallowed. Her eyes watered further and Tracy rushed forward to pat her back.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you choke.”
Dina rested her head on Tracy’s shoulder and stroked the baby. “That’s actually the best thing anyone has said to me since he broke up with me.” She played with the baby’s feet in their footy pajamas. “I’m angry, I’m hurt, and I want to be allowed to feel those things. But running into his father made me feel bad for him, and why the hell does he get my sympathy? I’m the one who was wronged. I shouldn’t care at all what his father thinks of him.”
“Would be nice if we could just turn a switch in our brains,” Tracy said. “But you’re a good person, so of course you care. Plus, you love him.”