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Page 62 of The Perfect Deception

And his de­sire to take things slow, to woo her, or what­ever crack­pot idea he had in his head, while lovely, was driv­ing her mad.

That rom-com movie they’d gone to? She’d barely been able to fo­cus. The scent of his af­ter­shave, min­gled with the but­tery pop­corn smell, had al­most made her hy­per­ven­ti­late.

The night they’d gone to a karaoke bar? It was a damn good thing the words of the songs had played in front of her, be­cause his arm wrapped around her shoul­ders had sent tin­gles run­ning up and down her spine, and if not for the teleprompter, she would have been un­able to re­mem­ber a sin­gle word.

She had no rec­ol­lec­tion of the taste of any of the food they’d eaten, since the only taste she could re­call was his mouth and his skin.

And to­day they were go­ing ice-skat­ing. She’d be lucky if the heat of her de­sire for him didn’t melt the ice be­neath her feet and send her plung­ing into the icy wa­ters be­low.

At least she’d fi­nally be able to cool off.

Her apart­ment buzzer sounded, she grabbed her skates and skipped down the stairs to meet Adam. She was go­ing to jump him af­ter skat­ing and con­vince him they needed to have sex. To­day.

Still think­ing about all the ways she was go­ing to con­vince Adam to have sex with her, she didn’t see him stand­ing on her front porch un­til she was on top of him. He grabbed her by the el­bows, os­ten­si­bly to keep them both from top­pling over.

It was the per­fect op­por­tu­nity to press her­self against him and kiss his lips.

“Whoa, there,” he said against her mouth. “In a hurry?”

To have sex with you. “I didn’t want to keep you wait­ing.”I won­der what sex on the porch would be like?

He nipped her lower lip and she melted against him, drop­ping her skates and wrap­ping her arms around his neck. He groaned, and pulled away.

“Come on, the ice awaits.”

Def­i­nitely go­ing to melt through it.

With a sigh, she picked up her skates and fol­lowed him to the car. “I thought Men­nen Arena would be a bet­ter op­tion,” he said as he pulled out into traf­fic. “I never fully trust the lake is frozen, no mat­ter how many peo­ple are on it.”

Well, at least she wouldn’t drown when she melted the ice.

Once they parked and paid for ice time, they sat on the bench and laced up their skates. Adam took her hand in his and they both stepped onto the ice. Push­ing off with her left foot, she dropped his hand as she ad­justed to mov­ing on the ice. Adam was a strong skater, and grace­ful, too. Dina hadn’t skated since she was a teenager and had been in­vited to some lit­tle cousin’s birth­day party. She’d spent most of the time hold­ing up the younger kids so they wouldn’t fall down, and her cur­rent skills were rusty. But with Adam’s help, af­ter a cou­ple of laps, she had the rhythm and bal­ance down pat.

This time, she seized Adam’s hand and squeezed.

Look­ing down at her, his mouth broad­ened in a grin. She tripped and he grabbed her waist.

“You okay?”

They were still mov­ing and Adam had her pressed against his side, seem­ing re­luc­tant to let her go even though she’d re­gained her bal­ance af­ter a stroke or two.

“I’m fine.” This time, she didn’t look at his face. It was hard enough to con­cen­trate pressed up against him, feel­ing his mus­cles, his warm breath tick­ling her neck.

His strokes were sure, and he glided with ease. They skated around the rink in si­lence, un­til he spun them around. She caught her breath and laughed as the lights in the rink twin­kled and his warm body seemed to en­velop her. Clos­ing her eyes at the dizzy­ing sen­sa­tion, she let him spin them across the ice, un­til fi­nally he stopped in the cen­ter.

She opened her eyes to see him look­ing down at her. “Like that?” he asked.

She nod­ded and took his hand as he be­gan mov­ing again. “Where’d you learn to skate so well?”

His stride fal­tered, but he righted him­self. Had she not been so close to him, she prob­a­bly wouldn’t have even no­ticed his mis­step. He stared across the rink. “My mother taught me.”

“That must have been nice.”

He shrugged.

“Did you two skate to­gether of­ten?”

He waited so long to an­swer, she thought he would re­main silent. But he fi­nally an­swered.

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