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Page 45 of The Perfect Deception

His lips were mov­ing and sound was emerg­ing from them. And while Macken­zie was still fussy, she wasn’t scream­ing her head off.

Adam had calmed her.

Maybe hewasan ex­pert. Or if not an ex­pert, a nat­u­ral.

You know what he also was? Bone-melt­ingly sexy. Who­ever said men with ba­bies were sexy knew what they were talk­ing about.

“You go­ing to give me that bot­tle?” Adam asked in a singsong voice.

She jolted out of her reverie and handed him the bot­tle, watch­ing as Macken­zie lunged for it and gulped it down. Adam couldn’t have looked more pleased if he’d been able to nurse her him­self.

When the bot­tle was empty, Dina reached for her. “Here, I’ll burp her.”

“No, let me.” He tilted the baby onto his shoul­der.


Too late. Macken­zie spit up all over his shirt. Dina tried to hold back a laugh.

“Maybe you should take her af­ter all,” he said.

She grabbed the di­a­per cloth she’d tried to hand Adam be­fore the spit-up in­ci­dent, flung it over her shoul­der and took Macken­zie from him. “Do you want help clean­ing up?”

“No, I got it. And hey, at least I’m wear­ing a white shirt.” He winked at her and her stom­ach flut­tered.

Maybe she was hun­gry.

She pat­ted and rubbed Macken­zie’s back un­til she burped, then looked at the in­struc­tions Tracy had left. There was a half hour be­fore she was sup­posed to check her di­a­per. Now what?

“Hey, I found this, think she’ll use it?” Adam walked in car­ry­ing a bouncy thing.

Well, it prob­a­bly had a name, but Dina had no idea what it was called. There was a seat for the baby and things to play with. And it bounced. Yeah, that would do.

“We can try.”

She placed Macken­zie in the seat and Adam spun some of the toys. Macken­zie laughed and bounced as she kicked her legs. Ex­cel­lent. Prob­lem solved.

They sat on the floor watch­ing her. Adam made funny faces, which also caused Macken­zie to laugh.

“You’re quiet,” he said to Dina, as he played with Macken­zie’s toy.

“Did you know a baby can’t taste salt un­til they’re about four months old? It’s thought that the de­lay is re­lated to—”

He grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb across her palm and she for­got the rest of her sen­tence.

“What’s wrong, Dina?”

She swal­lowed. “Wrong?”

“You’re ner­vous.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Be­cause you’re quot­ing ran­dom facts. You only do that when you’re ner­vous.”

He was not sup­posed to know that. “I don’t do that when I’m ner­vous.”

Adam arched one eye­brow, mak­ing Macken­zie gig­gle again. “Even she agrees with me.”

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