Page 52 of A Heart of Little Faith
Gideon frowned at her packages in confusion. “Whatever you pick is fine, Lily.”
She took a deep breath and slowed down. “I want you to like what I wear to the wedding. I want to make you happy. And I want to apologize for the other night. It wasn’t you. I got scared.”
For the first time since the kiss, he relaxed. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t. It’s just…” She paused and bit her lip. “You’re the first man I’ve been with since Daniel died and…”
“And you got scared.” He squeezed her hand. She was the first woman he’d been with since Elaine. He understood her fears better than she knew.
Lily swallowed. “Yes. I’ve thought about you often, but that kiss, it made it all real. I needed time to process it.”
“And have you?” He rubbed his hands along his thighs.
“Yes. And I’m ready for you. Now please look at this stuff. I want to make you happy.”
He couldn’t contain the grin that stretched his cheeks. “You make me happy regardless of what you wear.”
“Gideon.” Her face reminded him of how his sister used to flare her nostrils when he refused to do what she wanted. He bit the insides of his cheeks. If she had any idea how cute she was when angry… He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Although he’d never admit it, he loved her annoyed expression—all hot and bothered, blowing short bursts of air at her bangs in an effort to move them, and possibly the annoyance itself, out of her way. His fingers itched to feel the silky texture of her bangs on her soft skin, and… He sat on his hands. Suspecting more than words would come next from her, and not trusting his own reactions, he relented and studied the three dresses she held up.
“That one,” he said immediately. “Return the rest.”
“I can try them all on for you if you’d like.”
“Nope, that’s the dress. You’ll be amazing in it.” He paused. “You really want me picking out your dress?”
“Why wouldn’t I? I want what I wear to please you. I’m wearing it for you; you should like it.” She stared at the dress he picked. “You really like this one the best?” She bit her lip as she fingered the material.
“Okay, that was easy.”
They said goodbye, she waved to Stella, and exited the office with the rest of the items she planned to return. Gideon sat at his desk and stared at his computer screen without seeing it. Memories of her dead husband had caused her nerves. It wasn’t him or his chair. What most men would have considered a hurdle, he thought of as a blessing.
Joy made his heart patter. Maybe he could actually do this. He pictured Lily at the wedding. Her desire to please him flattered him. Honestly, he’d think her sexy in a paper bag, but the dress he’d pointed to was a knockout and he could already picture how beautiful she would look in it. Suddenly, he couldn’t wait for the wedding.
Chapter 19
Guests packed lower Manhattan’s Trinity Church by the time Gideon and Lily arrived for the wedding of Tony’s sister, Kate.
As they entered the church, the scent of yellow and white roses wafted toward them. Bouquets festooned the pews, pulpit and along the walls. Guests spoke among themselves; the hum of their voices mingled and echoed through the sanctuary. Above and behind them, a small string quartet played music. The notes chimed, adding to the romantic atmosphere. The bridesmaids wore ice blue floor-length sheaths; the groomsmen wore gardenias in the lapels of their dove-gray tuxedos. Tony fit the part of proud brother perfectly as he welcomed guests, hugged friends and relations and ushered people to their seats.
Gideon remembered Kate from when they were children. She’d been a tomboy who’d gotten into as much, if not more, trouble than he and Tony had, and he couldn’t believe the change in her as she glided down the aisle. She reflected a serene elegance, with her hair upswept beneath her veil, her blue eyes focused on her husband-to-be and her hand on her father’s arm.
Gideon stole a glance at Lily. He studied her as she focused on the service. Her green dress emphasized her eyes, which sparkled. They reminded him of sea glass. Her skin glistened and his hand moved on its own accord to rub her back, exposed by her backless dress. Would her skin feel as soft as he fantasized? It did, and he ran his fingers down her spine. Her mouth curved in a small smile of bliss and he would have sworn she shivered, but whether it was from his touch or the slight chill in the church, he couldn’t say for certain. She leaned into his arm though, as he returned his attention to the front of the church.
When the mass and the ceremony ended, they went outside to await the bride and groom’s exit. After the dim light of the church, the bright sunlight blinded them momentarily and Lily groped for his shoulder. He paused to assist her as the heat and humidity from the hot summer day hit him in the face. One of the attendants gave them each a bottle of bubbles and a moment later, the newly married couple emerged to a shower of bubbles and rose petals. Tony followed them out and briefly chatted with Gideon and Lily.
“Your sister looked beautiful.” Lily kissed him on the cheek.
“Yeah, she did. Thanks for coming.” Tony beamed, glancing over at the happy couple.
“I wouldn’t have missed it,” Gideon said as he gripped Tony’s hand. As he reflected on his words, he realized with shock they were true.
Before the wedding had started, Tony’s parents had approached them, introduced themselves to Lily, and hugged Gideon. What he’d expected to be awkward was bittersweet. They’d all changed. Some aged, some matured. Some, like him, changed forever in ways no one would have imagined. But they all had a common bond, and events such as these served to remind him of their bond. Reconnecting with people who knew him as a child reminded him of his place in the world. It reinforced his foundation, provided him a reason for his existence. Sharing the moment with Lily offered him the possibility of a future.
Did she have any idea how momentous this occasion was for him? She met his glance and smiled. Rather than make a scene, he decided to confess his feelings to her later, and led her toward the cars waiting to take them to the reception.