Page 46 of A Heart of Little Faith
Gideon leaned on his elbows. “Since you were three?” His voice grated and he swallowed.
“Yup. My dad loved massages and every morning I’d come into my parents’ bedroom to give him one.” She moved her hands rhythmically along his legs as she kneaded the knots in his muscles.
“Lucky guy.” Steel melted into warm lava as Gideon began to relax under her magic hands.
“Not just him. I loved doing it. I even created a routine.”
“What kind of routine?” he asked, unable to hide his interest. He eased his head onto the pillow, unable to remain unaffected by her touch. As she moved her hands up and down his legs, Gideon watched her fingers and the tendons flex.
Lily chuckled at the memory. “I pretended his back was a pizza pie. I kneaded the dough, swished on the sauce, sprinkled the cheese and patted on the pepperoni. By the end of the massage, I had a pizza and my dad had very limber muscles.”
Gideon smiled.
“How’s this?” Lily asked when she was certain he was relaxed.
“Much better.”
“Good. Just relax, okay?” They sat without speaking as Lily massaged his legs and Gideon rested with his eyes closed. Soon, his breathing evened out and he fell asleep. Continuing his massage for another five minutes, Lily waited until he was fully asleep before she slipped out from under his legs. She put an afghan over him, removed his glasses, doused the light and went to bed.
Chapter 16
Gideon awoke to muffled voices. Female ones. He opened his eyes with a start, and squinted as morning sunlight streamed through the window into Lily’s living room. He sat up and saw his glasses on the table and his shoes on the floor, where Lily placed them last night.I must have fallen asleep. His whole body heated with embarrassment. He had to figure out a way to escape with what remained of his dignity. There were giggles, lots of shushing, and Lily whispered, “Claire, Gideon is trying to sleep.” He smiled.Maybe it wasn’t all bad.
“I’m sleeping in here!” he called out as he lay down and closed his eyes, sliding on his glasses.
“Gideon, you’re awake!” Claire squealed as she ran over and hopped on the sofa.
“Oof, you weigh a ton. What are you feeding this kid, Lil?”
Lily leaned in. “Pancakes. Homemade. If you want any, you’d better hurry before they’re all gone.” She headed toward the kitchen and called over her shoulder, “Claire, come set the table. And hurry up; you don’t want to miss the camp bus.”
Claire rolled her eyes at him, kissed his cheek, and bounced off the sofa. “Coming, Mom!” Gideon took his cue from Claire and got ready to join them, savoring the kiss.
Gideon texted her that night.
thanks for the pancakes and the massage
you’re welcome. feeling better?
He shifted in his chair.
yeah. how’s Claire
fine and asleep
apparently, being good while you were here was all she could handle, because once you left, she was awful
sorry about that.
He remembered everything Lily did for him last night.This is how I repaid her?
don’t be, not your fault. But she drove me crazy today, and we were only together before and after camp. the final straw was when I rinsed her mouth out with soap and she laughed.
you rinsed her mouth out with soap?He cringed as he thought of bitter soap taste and he pursed his mouth in, I’m glad you’re not my mom.