Page 29 of A Heart of Little Faith
“Gideon, is Samantha alright?”
“Tony, she’s fine,” he answered, frowning.
“I heard the call on the police radio and I thought something happened to her.”
“Oh, no, it wasn’t her apartment.” Gideon pointed to Lily, and Tony stepped forward. “Lily, this is Tony. He’s a friend and ex-cop, in addition to being the director of the community center.”
“Hi.” Lily was too tired to say more, and too afraid to go into her apartment alone, so she waited while the two men finished their discussion. She kept her focus on Gideon as he told Tony what happened. His presence kept her grounded.
“Would you mind looking into it, Tony?”
“Sure thing. I’ll check with some buddies of mine and let you know what I find out.”
When Tony departed, Gideon returned to her, and she followed him into her apartment. She hunched her shoulders.
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. There’s nowhere for either of us to sleep.”
Gideon wheeled over to an overturned end table.
“Grab the other end.” The suddenness of his command snapped Lily out of her despair and she sprang into action. They set it back on its legs. While Gideon fixed the cushions on the sofa, Lily moved stuff from the floor to make pathways for them to get by. After a few minutes, the living room was livable, barely. He came to her and stroked her back. “How’s your room?”
“A disaster,” she said in a monotone. She straightened her shoulders and walked down the hall. He followed her. They replaced the sheets—she threw the old ones out—cleared the floor and restored some semblance of order. She collapsed onto the bed. He came to her and took both of her hands in his, cocooning them and making her feel safe.
“Why don’t you get undressed…” she raised her eyebrows “…while I wait outside. We’ll talk when you’re finished.”
Heat radiated through Lily as Gideon left her bedroom. For someone who seemed to want their relationship to be all business, he treated her like he wanted more. And if she were honest with herself, and not too tired to think of anything else, she’d agree. Because she was definitely interested in him. Unfortunately, now wasn’t the time to discuss it with him.
Lily surveyed her surroundings and shivered. This was her room, but it didn’t feel like it. Her belongings were strewn everywhere. She’d swear a thousand pair of eyes watched her every move. Whoever had invaded her apartment had touched her things and destroyed her safety and security. Not wanting to be alone in here any longer than necessary, she tore off her clothes, grabbed boxers and a not-too-revealing T-shirt and threw them on. She opened the door and a flicker of emotion flitted across Gideon’s face. She couldn’t be certain, but she thought it might be anger. He masked it, but a telltale vein protruded from his forehead.
Unable to focus on anything, she paced around the apartment, picked up random things and placed them in drawers. He started to follow her, but she doubled back and too many near misses and mumbled apologies made him give up and watch her. She should try to calm down, but she couldn’t stay still. Her insides roiled, her heart raced and hot and cold streaks ran down her spine. Her gaze flitted around the room, only pausing occasionally when she met Gideon’s steady gaze. It beckoned her, and she wanted to drown in their chocolaty depths, but she panicked whenever she slowed down. She snatched what comfort she could from his presence and abandoned herself to her nervous energy. Finally, she sank to her knees in exhaustion. The nap of the rug dug into her knees, but she was too tired to move. He rested his palm on top of her head and the heat from his touch warmed her scalp.
“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered.
How did he know that? She stiffened, unable to fully believe him, but she was desperate to rely on him. He made it seem so easy. She rested her cheek on his knee. He continued to stroke her hair and she relaxed. Her scalp tingled and the rough feel of his khakis scratched her cheek. They made her feel safe, protected. Tears wetted her cheeks.
“I’m sorry about your pants.”
Gideon traced the tear splotches on his knees with the tips of his fingers. “It’s okay, Lil.”
“What am I going to do? How am I going to set all of this to rights again, never mind live here?” She gestured around the room, her shoulders slumped.
“Come with me.” He pulled her to her feet. His grip was firm, yet gentle, and his muscles bulged beneath his shirtsleeves. She followed him into her bedroom. He paused at her bed, pulled back the covers and fluffed her pillow. He guided her toward the bed. She sat and faced him. “Why don’t you lie down and try to get some sleep. In the morning, we’ll fix this place up and you’ll feel much better.”
She covered her mouth with her hand. “I’ve got so much to do for work. I completely forgot about it!” She fluttered her hands in the air and Gideon grabbed them and held them to his chest.
“It’s going to be fine. Is there someone you can call to explain what happened?” She nodded and he offered her the phone. She dialed Anne and spoke to her for ten minutes, about seven of which she spent reassuring her she was okay. She hung up the phone. “Why don’t you rest now,” he suggested.
“What about you?” He was her guest after all and she didn’t want to leave him to fend for himself. The manners ingrained by her mother couldn’t be ignored, even on a night like tonight.
He gave her a lopsided smile. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I’m more concerned with you right now.”
Too exhausted to argue with him, she lay on the bed. Gideon shut off the light and rolled toward the door. He was leaving. “Gideon, wait.” She sat in bed and clutched the covers. Images of intruders and monsters flitted through her mind.
He turned and she lit the lamp next to her bed. She remained quiet with her jaw clenched as she kneaded the covers between her fingers. He came toward her and pried open her fingers.
“Shhhh, it’s okay. Would you like me to stay a while?”
With a mute nod, she lay on the pillow and drew her knees to her chest, the blanket to her chin. She hated feeling weak and afraid, but she couldn’t shake the thought that whoever broke into her apartment was still there. Gideon stroked her hair. After a few moments, exhaustion took over and she closed her eyes. Suddenly, she opened them and pinned Gideon with her gaze. “What’s that?” she asked. A low noise, more of a vibration, penetrated her drowsy fog.