Page 71 of Full Court Love
“It’s like I found the other half of me–the much better half. The half that brought light into the darkness. I want to take care of you as long as you’ll let me. I don’t deserve immediate forgiveness, but I’m asking if you could get there.”
I shake my head with my eyes on the ground, tears plopping onto the chipping paint of the porch. I lift my head to look at him, and my heart breaks at the earnestness on his face.
“I can’tgetthere…”
His face falls.
“...because I’m already there.”
“Lucy! What the heck!”
I laugh through the tears. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
He shakes his head, laughing in spite of the emotional roller coaster. “Damn, I’ve missed you.”
He engulfs me in a hug, and I inhale the woodsy scent I’ve been aching to have back. With his arms around me, I feel like I’m home. It’s familiar and safe, and I really do love this guy. As I try to nestle deeper into his chest, he suddenly takes a step back.
“Oh, wait! I forgot I had a few more things to say!”
“What is this, speech and debate club? Just hold me.”
But he’s determined. He holds me an arm’s length away, then gives me a sad puppy-dog look. “‘I’m just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to love him.’”
I shake my head with an aggressive eye roll. He knows how I feel aboutNotting Hill.
He doesn’t break character, though. He just keeps going.
“‘You complete me.’”
That is such a great line. He’s definitely been Googling.
“‘You have bewitched me, body and soul.’”
Okay, not gonna lie, that one makes my legs shaky. It also makes me want to pull him inside and resume what we started at the bar.
“What exactly is happening right now?”
“I thought you deserved more than just one epic rom-com moment.”
And I thought he couldn’t get any better.
“So, you went for the rapid-fire approach?”
He steps toward me slowly, only inches between us now. His voice is low and gravelly. “I still have one left.”
“I’m listening.”
His lips graze mine. “‘I burn for you.’”
Thank the Lord no one is watching. I reach up at the same moment he runs his hands down my sides, finding my hips. He pulls my body flush with his. We start slow and tender, but quickly escalate. I’m seeing stars as we let out all the passion we’ve both been holding in. Everyemotion from the past week explodes in this singular moment.
Our breath mingles, heated and fast. He pushes me up against the door and kisses down my neck. Each nip sends tingles through my entire body. My hands run through his hair and I’m about to find his lips again when I hear whispers and laughter.
We whip around in unison to find my three roommates and Tyler grinning smugly on the sidewalk.
I feel my face glowing red with embarrassment, but everyone else is unfazed, including Jordan. He looks like he’s basking in a sea of happiness while I look like I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. We stand there uncomfortably before Britt breaks the awkward standoff. “Glad to see you two patched things up.”
Tyler raises his eyebrows and winks. “You’re welcome.”