Page 39 of Full Court Love
He shakes my hand like his goal is ripping my arm off and then gives Lucy a bear hug. Apparently, the hatred of Lucy infects only one member of this family. Sasha is wearing a completely blank expression during this entire interaction.
Mrs. Pierson is a petite woman with short blonde hair and a perfectly put-together look. She shakes my hand lightly and gives Lucy a small wave. That’s about all there’s time for as Mr. Pierson continues in his booming voice.
“We gotta get the two of you over to the dealership. I have a couple of cars begging to be leased by this basketball power couple–can you imagine the advertising we could do? Whew, those things would sell themselves. I’ll reach out to your people to set it up. Go, Lions!”
With a bone-slapping smack to my back, he walks out the door arm in arm with his wife. My stomach drops at his comment, but I push away the foreboding feelings that are bubbling up. I refuse to let anything ruin this night. Sasha gives us an icy glare as she walks past us and out into the darkness behind her parents.
I turn to Lucy, who looks just as baffled as I feel. “So, I guess Sasha’s parents don’t hate you, huh?”
I hold up her coat, and she slips her arms in.
“No, which is one of the weirdest parts. I actually think it makes Sasha hate me more. Her parents are huge fans of the team, but she doesn’t play, so they end up being diehard supporters of people she hates–AKA me. That takes the jealousy to a whole other, much more personal level because she feels like I’m stealing her parents or something.”
The cold hits us like a brick wall as we step out onto the sidewalk. I pull Lucy in close to me while we walk.
“Dang, I suddenly feel bad for her. I never thought I’d say that.”
Lucy nods. “It’s one of the factors that has helped me not snap over the years. Every time I feel like I might bite back, I just end up feeling sorry for her.”
Damn, this girl is an actual saint. I lean over and kiss her head. “Okay, enough Sasha discussion for the evening. Let’s walk this way.”
I push out the thoughts of a new car for now. As awesome as it would be not to drive a piece of junk, I have no clue how I would keep this a secret from my dad. If he knew I had the pull to get a car in this town, I know he’d start gauging for more. It would be the beginning of the end for me here. I can’t afford that.
But for now, I push him from my mind too. I won’t let him ruin tonight.
“I have one more surprise for you. Spoiler alert: it’s not me shirtless on a goat. But I still hope you like it.”
Ican tell Jordan was bothered by the conversation with Mr. Pierson, yet he’s still hyper-focused on me and whatever this surprise is. Clearly he put a lot of thought and effort into this evening, and my heart is melting at his selflessness.
We walk down the sidewalk in silence, taking in the Christmas lights. Each little shop has its own display, and each light post is adorned like a candy cane. Small towns really are the best places during the holidays—and pretty much all the time.
At the end of the block, we reach the Cozy Cow. Jordan stops us in front of the door–I guess this is the location of his big reveal. I dramatically put my hand over my heart.
“Aww, you got me a coffee shop. You shouldn’t have, but I love it.”
“Can it, sassy pants. Just wait here for one second. I’ll be right back.”
Apparently he has a key, which he then uses to open the door and I’m left alone on the sidewalk. I barely have time to wonder what he’s up to before he’s back.
“Close your eyes and grab my hand.”
I do what I’m told, and he guides me inside. He drops my hand, and I blindly wave my arms for a second to see if there’s anything near me. I’m not the biggest fan of not being in control. Even though I trust him, standing here with no eyesight and absolutely no clue what’s going on isn’t exactly a comfortable feeling.
I hear him walk a few steps, and then there’s a slight rustling sound.
“All right, open your eyes.”
I slowly lift one eyelid, and then the other one shoots open as I take in the room.
I’m stunned. This looks nothing like the coffee shop I frequent daily. It’s been totally transformed. I’m now standing in a tropical indoor flower garden. Vases full of colorful daisies and tulips and roses cover every surface. Twinkling lights strung around the room set a romantic ambience, and right in the middle of it all is Jordan.
He’s smiling shyly, and all I know is, whichever angel decided to give this man that smile and that dimple should get a major promotion. In his hands, he’s holding a book. Of course he is. The rights to this movie would never sell because he’s too good. It’s not believable. I have yet to find a flaw.
After standing frozen, soaking in every gorgeous flower arrangement, I convince my feet to close the space between us. He holds out the book to me.