Page 33 of Full Court Love
AJ isn’t pulling any punches whatsoever. Oddly enough, I’m not offended. I don’t feel defensive at all, probably because I know she’s right. I run my hand through my hair and meet her eyes.
“I agree with everything you’re saying. I really do. Please continue.”
She looks down at her hands like she’s really picking her words carefully now. “Number three: Lucy has decided you’re something special. In the time I’ve known her, she’s never done that before. I’ve seen how she looks at you and talks about you and how her face lights up when you text her.”
She notices the massive grin spreading across my face. I can’t help it.
“Don’t tell her I told you that.”
“I mean, I do all those things now too, thanks to her.”
“Well, duh, that’s no surprise. I mean, look at her. But here’s the thing: to the world she’s Lucy Townes, the basketball star and unbreakable human. That’s her public persona. She turns it on like nobody else. But Lucy has been through some crap in her life that forced her to toughen up her exterior. Under it all, she’s super vulnerable to being hurt, especially by someone she has chosen to let past the walls. Very few people are actually allowed to know her on that level.”
My grin is now gone. AJ’s eyes are piercing a hole through my soul as she speaks. I’m nodding silently, but my mind is buzzing.
We sit there for a moment while her words sink in. I look at her, waiting for a conclusion, but she just stands abruptly and walks toward her room. Right before closing her door, she leaves me with one final message.
“For whatever reason, you’re one of the lucky ones she’s choosing to let in. Don’t take that for granted. And please, just don’t hurt her. That’s all I’m asking. She’s been hurt enough.”
The closing of her door feels foreboding. Like I’ve been left with a massive quest, and if I screw it up, the women in this household will be locking me in their dungeon for all eternity. I wouldn’t put it past them.
Thankfully, I don’t think I’m dumb enough to mess this up.
I mean, I really hope I’m not.
The absolute last thing I want to do is cause Lucy any more pain. Or derail her career in any way. Or distract her. Basically, I want any effect I have on her life to be a net positive. That’s my end goal here.
Grabbing one of the thousands of blankets stashed in this little house, I curl up on the lumpy old couch, and aftertossing and turning to try to find a comfortable position, I eventually fall asleep. I convinced myself I’m too tired to drive the three minutes back to my apartment, although deep down I know I just want to see Lucy as soon as possible tomorrow.
The next thing I know, someone has made the decision to drop a weight on my stomach.
It’s not a crushing weight, but it’s enough to pull me out of my deep slumber. Lucky for me, the weight smells really good.
Like lavender.
I crack one eye open and see a mess of blonde hair laying on my chest. The rest of Lucy’s limbs are wrapped around me like a koala. I lift an arm, which actually feels more like a twenty-pound dumbbell after such a short night, and start rubbing her back.
Her head lifts up, and her tired eyes break into a squinty smile. Oh, boy. I could get used to this. She’s evoking the same emotions in me that an adorable puppy would. I just want to scoop her up and protect her at all costs.
As I wrap my arms around her and we lay cuddled up, with the morning light streaming through the window and the smell of coffee drifting in from the kitchen, I’m not sure I’ve ever been in a more blissful state.
This is it, right here.
I’m officially peaking.
I want to hold on to this moment for as long as I possibly can.
After about five seconds of peace, I hear a crash. Britt flies out of her room like a tornado. She’s grabbing items and shoving them into a bag. Upon finally noticing me and Lucy, she chucks a shoe at us.
“Eww, gross. I did not sign up for this. Get a room.”
Lucy laughs and to my great sadness, sits up. She’s still perched on top of me, though, so that’s a bonus.
“Where are you off to in such a chaotic and I assume late state?”
Britt groans as she pulls a sweatshirt over her head.
“Team breakfast. We wanted to do one last thing before finals week and all of us going home. Unfortunately, there was aDance Momsmarathon on last night, so naturally I didn’t go to bed until two a.m.”