Page 27 of Full Court Love
I’m used to having the upper hand, and I want to get it back.
Finally, he responds.
“It was enlightening. I thought I was the biggest Lucy Townes fan in the world, but these guys might give me a run for my money.”
I give him a skeptical look. “Yeah, no offense, but they’d run circles around you in that contest.”
He leans in closer. “Hmm. Okay, well then, how do I improve? Tell me what to do, Coach.”
This took the flirtation level up like ten notches very quickly.
I cock my head slightly sideways and bite back a smile. “I think I have some ideas.”
He leans in closer. We are so close, there’s only a few inches of space between our mouths.
“Oh, yeah?”
Now he’s the one breathing a little faster.
My voice is lower than I intended. It definitely has a certain effect on Jordan, though. He leans just a little closer, but I hold a finger up to his lips, stopping them right before they touch mine.
“But you’re going to need to do a little more to earn it than that.”
With a coy smile, I grab my book and walk out of the shop.
One thing has been made perfectly clear: Lucy will not be won easily.
The time we’ve spent together has revealed to me just how impressive she is. I’ve seen it on the court, but somehow she’s even more dynamic in real life. The way she cares for the people around her, her passion for her studies, her rants about topics I never thought I’d ever care about but somehow she draws me in and suddenly I’m invested–all of it makes me want more of her.
When you hear about a woman turning heads, Lucy should be the poster child. I’ve seen a lot of beautiful women over the course of my life, but Lucy’s beauty is almost ethereal. Her eyes sparkle, her smile is intoxicating, and her body looks like it was designed by an artist.
At this point, no other woman could steal my attention even if they tried.
There’s only one problem: I have no clue what to do or how to handle these feelings.
I’ve had more flings than I can count. I am the fling king. I hope no one ever tries to give me that nickname because it sucks, although until I met Lucy, it would’ve been accurate.Now, though, I want something real and don’t even know how to get it.
I pace around my still-very-empty room. My clothes are meticulously folded in piles lining the wall because I don’t have a dresser. That’s one thing about not having much in the way of possessions–you certainly take good care of the things you do have.
Like for example, if I actually had Lucy, I would care for her like she was the most precious thing in the world. Because to me, she is.
But now, it’s been multiple days since Lucy dropped her “You’re going to have to work harder” line, and she’s gone radio silent. The women’s team had a couple away games, so she’s gallivanting along the West Coast putting up triple doubles and I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs, wishing she’d reply to my texts.
Although I know why she’s not replying. She issued me a challenge. My typical way of doing things isn’t going to cut it because she’s not a typical girl. Lucy is setting a standard for me to either uphold or walk away from. And I sure as hell don’t plan on walking away, which means it’s time to pony up.
But where do I even start? How do you take something from a fling to a relationship?
I really wish I had a sister right now. I’ve heard this is their area of expertise. But I don’t. So I pull out my phone and dial the only person I would ever ask for advice in the romance department.
She picks up after the first ring. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
I choke out a laugh at her urgent tone. “What? Mom, nothing’s wrong. Something doesn’t always have to be wrong for me to call. Also, hi. It’s good to hear your voice.”