Page 12 of Full Court Love
Not a bad start for my opening performance on a new team at a new school.
Of course, it won’t be good enough for my dad, but nothing ever will be. He’s too far away to ruin it now. I refuse to allow his name popping up on my phone to stifle my happiness at my first win and fresh start. Declining the call, I focus on the team discussion as we plan for the postgame celebration.
PJ is leading the charge.
“All right, everyone, we’ll be pre-gaming at our house,then heading to the Cubby. Mandatory. We will be taking attendance.”
The whole team lets out cheers and whistles, some even breaking out dance moves I’m sure I’ll see tonight, just with a little more alcohol providing the courage.
I groan to myself. I feel like I’m getting too old to go this hard. I like to socialize and go out, but the evening he’s describing is almost guaranteed to be accompanied by a hangover tomorrow. But I can’t bethatguy. I’ll have to go, but I’m also going to start planning my excuse for leaving early.
Saying I'm sore and tired makes me sound like an old man.
Saying I’m not having fun makes me sound high-maintenance.
Saying I’m leaving with a girl makes me sound like I’m still the guy I used to be.
As if he’s reading my mind, Tyler walks up behind me and gives me a reason to want to go tonight.
“Lucy’s going to be there.”
I whip my head around so fast, I might have pulled a muscle in my neck. As I rub the sore spot, I respond in a low tone, “Are you sure? The party thing doesn’t really seem like her scene.”
He shrugs.
“Normally it’s not, but it’s a celebration of the first game of the season. The whole women’s team will be there. It’ll give you a chance to shoot your shot.”
He does a motion like he’s shooting and following through as he walks out the door smirking. I hustle to pack up my stuff and follow him out, suddenly excited about the night’s possibilities.
After my chance meeting with Lucy in the early morning hours at the gym, I’ve been wondering if she’s softening toward me. Her performance today indicates that at least I didn’t ruin her headspace for the game. The way she waslooking at me after I apologized was curious, like she was trying to figure me out–and she definitely stared and maybe even blushed a little when I stretched.
I know I don’t know her that well, but man, I’m loving getting to glimpse these different sides of her. The cozy sweatshirt, baggy sweatpants, and messy braid version this morning was just straight-up adorable. The version of her that knocks down threes and dominates the court is intimidatingly hot.
Tonight, I want more. This social obligation I was dreading has now become my lifeline to this girl.
Suddenly, I’m antsy to go out.
Back at my apartment, I eat my postgame pizza, and I chug three Gatorades so I’m hydrated. I’m not messing this up because I let alcohol get on top of me. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then back to the kitchen to mindlessly open the fridge, then back into my bedroom to put on socks, then back to the kitchen.
“Geez, you got it bad.”
Tyler’s words snap me out of my nervous pacing. I look at my hands and notice I’m holding some sauce packets from Taco Bell. I hold them up.
“Just in case we decide to grab a late-night snack. Always want to be prepared.”
“Sure thing, buddy. Whatever you say.”
I’m becoming a totally different person–apparently it’s a person who can’t get a grip on their nerves.
But Lucy has–what is it Mr. Darcy says? Oh, yes. She has bewitched me body and soul. No wonder the chick in the movie can’t resist him. Damn, that’s a good line. I may be a dumb jock, but I did watchPride and Prejudicein my high school English class and probably should’ve been taking notes.
I set down my sauce packets and try to make casual conversation. “So, are you talking to anyone right now?”
Tyler shakes his head. “Nah, man. This whole hookup culture of sports isn’t for me. Even when I came in as a freshman, I just never wanted it. I did become friends with Lucy and her roommates, though.”
Then he adds, almost as an afterthought, “Britt is pretty cool.”
My ears perk up both at the mention of Lucy and his tone. I notice his neck is suddenly a little splotchy and red. He definitely wants to be more than Britt’s friend. With someone I’m close with, I might start teasing. But Tyler and I aren’t at that point yet. So, I play it cool.