Page 7 of So Pucking Over You
I’m a little surprised at how little I care about Trevor. If I’m honest with myself, I’m glad he found someone. He wasn’t the ‘one’ for me, and I wasn’t what he wanted. I can buy the fancy clothes, and dress the part, but I still don’t look sexy and I never feel comfortable. I’m definitely not into the attention seeking parties he likes.
I could have done without the drama. I’m thankful that Dash was there. Cool headed, logical, dependable. My secret crush.
Did Trevor just give me the break of a lifetime? Is Dash finally seeing me?
The cold air feels good. I swear looking at her always raises my temperature and my dick. It’s why I pulled on a flannel button up when she went to the shower. I needed the coverage.
She’s Gordy’s little sister which automatically puts her off limits. She’s just had an embarrassing breakup.
I shouldn’t think of her the way I do. Although I’m only eight years older, it feels like a lifetime.
But I want her so bad I ache. Not just for her sexy little body, her mind, her spirit, her spunk calls to me as well. Pulling into the parking lot at the pizza place I run a hand down my face. What did I get myself into? Will I be able to keep my feelings under wraps?
I can do this. I will do this. For her. I’ll let her save face, embrace her new job and watch her back. When the season’s over… I’ll let her go.
My phone pings. I glance at the message from Coach.
Coach: It’s all over the press, blowing up the airwaves. Goddamn social media. Reports are he was seen cheating. She was seen cheating. The team is imploding, taking sides. This kind of craziness could blow our concentration, our chances. Owners are demanding to know what’s going on. We’ve got to get our fucking story straight.
We need to meet. You, Oakley, Trevor and I, and one of the owners insists on being videoed in.
Dash: Why Oakley?
Coach: Because I just insisted on hiring her. I’ve had my eye on her talent for months. She’s exactly what we need in front of the camera.
Dash: This is too damn soon. She just caught him cheating. Give it a couple days.
Coach: The owners insist. Now.
Dash: I’ll ask her. If she says no, I’m not forcing her. We need an hour.
Coach: There’s a small conference room off the lobby, meet us there.
After picking up the food I head back. She doesn’t need this shit show. She deserves time.
As I pull back into the motel parking lot, I see Trevor and Sabrina entering their room. She turns and snaps somethingat him. He scowls, says something back and nods. Looks like trouble in paradise.
When her daddy was parading her in front of me, I noticed that she’s as much of a shot caller as her father. I can’t imagine two self-centered divas ever making a relationship work. Ought to be interesting.
Trevor’s a fool. He had the real deal and threw it away.
I knock before unlocking the door to my room and push it open. “Just me, Oakley.”
She’s stretched out on the bed, leaning against the headboard, her gaze slightly unfocused as if lost in thought.
When she sits up, I read the pink words etched on her black hoodie:I’m not arguing, I’m simply explaining why I’m right.I stifle a smile. That’s my girl. She may barely top five feet, but she acts like she’s six-four.
Scrambling off the bed, she takes the coffee, pops one open, takes a swallow and sighs. “Perfect.”
Waiting until after she’s eaten two slices of pizza, I meet her gaze. “Coach called. There’s been a lot more social media. The owners are demanding a meeting. We’ve been asked to join them in about twenty minutes on a video call. Coach, Phil, you, me, and Trevor. It’s up to you whether you go or not. I told them I wouldn’t force you.”
Not answering, she grabs her backpack, removes her laptop and a notebook. I watch in silence as her fingers fly over the keyboard and she makes written notes. She glances up. “How much more time do I have?”
“We should probably head over.”