Page 22 of So Pucking Over You
Trevor steps closer to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I hear Gordy hiss, but Dash must have settled him down because he stays in place.
“No. I’m happy to be a part of the Buffalo Blades and I have a contract. Sabrina and I were introduced by a friend at a party after Oakley and I decided we were just good friends. Still are.” He gives my shoulder an obvious squeeze.
I lean into the mic, “Thank you all for hanging around. The weather threw everyone a curve. After a good night’s sleep, we’ll all be back in the groove for tomorrow’s rematch. Game on fans.”
Dash steps forward, takes my hand and leads me down the steps and into the team tunnel. As the others pass us, he backs me against the wall. “You were amazing. So together, so poised. Damn, is there anything you can’t do? I am so proud of you.”
Leaning into me he cups my cheeks and kisses me.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Gordy’s growl tears us apart. Red faced with fury he grabs Dash’s shoulder and spins him.
I try to push between them. “Wait!”
“Gordon,” a female voice snaps the tension. “May I have a word with you. Now.” My mother’s voice freezes Gordy in place. We both look down the ramp to see Mom and Dad approaching via the team entrance.
I glance at our mother, and she smiles at me before turning her attention and scowl back to my brother. “Now please, son. It’s important. Your father will stay with your sister and Dash.”
Dad looks down at me as he wraps an arm over my shoulder. “You good, girl?”
“Best I’ve ever been, Dad.” He nods before kissing the top of my head, then turns to Dash. “So, son, do you think you guys can win tomorrow?”
Dash’s stunned gaze meets mine. I smile and take his hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. Yes, my father just officially welcomed him into the family.
“Yes sir, I think we can. We’ve got the heart for this and will do everything to make our dream of the cup come true. We won’t let you down.”
Dad pats him on the back as we walk toward the exit. “I know you won’t, son. Mother and I always have known. You never will.”
I asked Oakley to stay with me since my place is bigger and has an actual office. We’ve both waited so long to be with each other we don’t want to wait any longer. Oakley’s parents took her to her apartment where she’ll pack up some things to bring over. I know it was important for her parents to have private time with her to make sure that this is what she wants.
We’re all going to dinner tonight, including Gordy. I need to have a talk with him beforehand. I tried to call him then texted to ask him to stop by but he hasn’t responded.
There’s a pounding on the door. I check security and it’s a furious looking Gordy.
I open the door. He takes a swing grazing my chin and bumping my shoulder. It hurts, but no damage. I’ve been in fights with him before, this was more for show than attack. My tension eases.
“You’re fucking my baby sister!”
“I’m loving your sister and I’m going to marry her if she’ll have me.”
“You took advantage of the situation.”
“I’ve loved your sister for years. I stayed away because she was too young.”
“So you were sniffing around my sister while pretending to be my friend?”
“Can we sit down and talk about this, or do you want to continue to shout it in the halls for the neighbors to hear?”
He brushes past me, heads to the fridge and grabs two beers. Twisting the caps off, he hands one to me and leans against the counter.
Taking the seat across from him I take a swallow and start. “You’re my best friend. In a lot of ways my only friend. It was always just my gramps and I and I never had a need for a lot of people around me. You’ve said it yourself. I’m a loner.
“That first year when I gave you the ride to your family home after the season ended and you introduced me to them was the first time in years that I’d felt included. I liked working with you and your dad on the farm. You became my friend that summer. Your parents are great, and your little sister was cute.