Page 10 of So Pucking Over You
Yes, and after today, after he came to my rescue, it’s gotten worse. I want him. But if I make a play for him, I could lose the friendship I’ve nurtured.
But you could win it all….
“Bathroom’s all yours. We need to get some sleep. Four AM is going to be here before we know it.”
“Don’t remind me.”
Coming out of the bathroom I see he’s stretched out on the too short couch with the spare blanket from the closet. “What are you doing?”
“Gonna get some rest.”
“Not like that, you aren’t. The bed is plenty big enough for both of us. If not, I’ll take the couch.”
“The bed is yours.”
“Dash, you have an important game in forty-eight hours. That couch will mess you up. We’re adults. Get in this bed or so help me, I’ll lay on the floor and neither of us will be worth anything tomorrow.”
“Bossy little thing, aren’t you?”
“It’s been suggested to me a time or two.”
He chuckles but hinges off the couch and crosses to the bed. “I need the side by the door so scoot over.”
Shuffling closer to the wall, I remember him reminding my brother that a man always walked on the street side when he’s with a woman. The fact that he has those old school manners is even more appealing in today’s hype driven world. Where being an obnoxious media hog makes you big news instead of the childish frat boy or girl you really are. But drama and scandal sell papers as my ex-boss so clearly believes. I still prefer facts.
Laying on his back he folds his arms under his head.
I lean up on one elbow and stare down at him. “What’s the game plan in the morning?”
“We’ll get up and leave around the same time as the bus. I prefer to be ahead of them. We should be able to make better time than they can, but it will depend on how quickly the road crews get the highway cleared. The bigger concern is if more snow hits or if it goes around us. The other thing that might slow us down is your coffee addiction.”
Slapping his chest, I do my best to scowl at him. “It’s totally manageable. Every time you stop for gas get me four large cups loaded down with cream to make it palatable. I’m totally capable of drinking it cold if I must.”
“Then we’ll be hitting every rest stop and gas station on the way.”
I lift an eyebrow. “How much do you want to bet I can hold it longer than you, hot shot?”
“No way.”
“Loser buys steaks at Giancarlo’s when we reach Buffalo.”
“Deal. Just know I can eat my weight there.”
“That’s ok. You’ll be buying.”
I wake to a gentle stroke up and down my back and a soft rumble over my head. “Wake up babe, we need to get going.”
Wrapped in a nice warm blanket I balk at being disturbed. “No. I’m comfortable and warm. Leave me alone.”
The warmth slides down to my waist and back up to my shoulder. “You can sleep in the truck, but we need to get going. They’ve upped the likelihood of more snow.”
While Dash loads our luggage into the back of the crew cab I head over to the bus, snapping a few pictures of the team loading. Then record a few questions with some of the guys before hitting up Coach Nugent on how he feels about the possible delay and if there is an option that the game could be rescheduled.
When I’m done, he stares me down. “Did you just record me? What are you doing?”
“My job. This is for the Blades’ social media page. We need to refocus the fans from the personal drama of yesterday. We’re about the team and the wins. The fans are anxious about whether we can win after the drama and even if the next game is going to happen. A game has not been rescheduled for years but with this storm front all bets are off.”
Phil brushes past to climb onto the bus. “Check your app, boss. She’s already posted twice since midnight. Fans seem to be responding favorably. Good job, Oakley.”