Page 4 of Stryker's Ruin
“Call the superintendent when you get there. He’ll give you keys and access and show you around.” He hands me a business card with the apartment address and the envelope of money. “Get her some clothes. She’ll need to look decent when she meets the Irish asshole. Don’t say who she is, just take her shopping to the right places. Keep it simple but quality. If he wants her to dress differently that’s up to him. And stay away from cameras.
“Once she’s outfitted decently, we’ll set up a few meets. We have a month before the wedding.
“I suppose you’ll need a vehicle. I’ll have them get you something discreet.”
“No. I use my own vehicle. It’s nondescript. Can blend in anywhere.” It’s also bulletproof and as bomb proof as possible.
“Fine. Follow the drive until it branches, go right. The cabin is at the end of the road.”
“She’s expecting me?”
“I told her someone would be picking her up.”
I jump at the knock on the door. This morning’s ordeal with the doctor has me jumping at every sound. The nurse who came with him handed me another note as she was leaving. This one again was Nonno’s writing advising me I’d be moving this afternoon.
I need to be brave. I need to speak to him, tell him I do not want this life or his name. I just want to be free.
The knock comes again. “Miss Camassa, are you okay? I’m here to pick you up.”
That’s not Vince. The words are too kind, the tone gentle and warm.
“Are you ready to leave? Do you need more time to prepare?”
I cross closer to the door. “Wh—who sent you?” My voice comes out little more than a whisper.
“Don’t be frightened. Your grandfather sent me. I’m going to take you to your new home. I’m also your bodyguard. Didn’t he explain?”
I crack the door open and glance up at the man leaning with one arm on the door frame. He’s a good bit taller than me. Hisarms strain the fabric of his shirt sleeve and his broad chest tugs at the buttons. He’s big, but not like the big bellied older men Vince usually sends to move me. His black hair is brushed straight back from his face. His beard covers his jaw but looks as if it would be soft to the touch. His lips tilt at my perusal and he smiles. “Miss Camassa.”
“They only call me Ruin,” I blurt. “Or… or Miss. I’m not a real Camassa.”
Something crosses his gaze, but his eyes are such a dark brown they’re hard to read.
He straightens and offers me his hand. “I’m Stryker.”
No one ever offers me a hand. I’m rarely touched by anyone but my current teacher. Many of them were also aloof. Only Ettore showed genuine affection. It takes me a minute to remember I need to shake.
His warm hand engulfs mine, his palm slightly rough against my smaller one, but his grip is gentle.
“Nice to meet you, Ruin. Are you all packed and ready to go? Or do you need more time.”
“Yes, yes. I’m ready. I’ll get my bags.”
“I’ll get your bags. Just show me where they are.”
He follows me inside. My two suitcases are next to the couch, and I grab my backpack off the table.
“Where’s the rest?”
“There is no more. One is my clothes, the other my study books.”
“Is everything else in storage?”
“I’m sorry Stryker, I don’t understand. What more should there be?”