Page 38 of Stryker's Ruin
“For as big as this damn town is, everyone seems to fucking know everyone.” Stryker pulls out his phone and starts typing.
“What are you doing, son?”
“Having my information guy cross reference people in the judge’s office to either of the two families.”
“If we cancel, then we take a different risk,” Sean says. “They could be planning an abduction. I sent men over to the building as soon as I got the call. They’ll get there, do a sweep, monitor the camera feeds and stand guard.”
“Diego and others from my team are here. They’ll take over once they get on site.” He looks at his father. “I don’t want you or your people in this. I don’t want the family in a turf war because of me.”
Sean stands, kisses my forehead and heads to the door. “I’ll be standing at your car when it’s time to leave.” He pauses and glances back at his son. “Mo teaghlach.”
When we get to the SUV Sean is there with a man I’ve never seen. Stryker and the man clasp hands and shoulder bump before he turns to me. “This is Diego. He and I served together, and we both work for the same security company. He’ll be with us. There are five others on the team you won’t see unless we need them.”
“How would I know?”
Diego grabs the pocket over his left chest and pulls it down exposing a subtle logo that reads HARDCORE Security, then smooths it back in place.
“Babe, I need you to sit in the back with Sean.”
I notice Diego hand Stryker an earpiece that he immediately puts in place before climbing behind the wheel. Sean takes myhand and whispers in my ear. “His team will use those to report to each other until this is over. Nothing will happen that he doesn’t know about. You’re safe, don’t fear.”
“I’m not as afraid as I am angry. I’m not a toy to be used, traded, and discarded. I want nothing from them or to do with them. And quite frankly, I hope they all rot in hell for their greed and cruelty.”
He chuckles. “Welcome to the family, little one.”
The longer we drive the more nervous I get. What if something goes wrong? What if Vince finds out where we are? What if we can’t get married?
Then the most sickening thought of all pops in my head. What if they plan to kill Stryker and take me away. By the time we get to the underground parking I’ve worried myself almost physically sick.
Two men appear dressed all in black once we’re parked. Stryker and Diego step out, they have a conversation and one of the men heads to the elevators as Stryker helps me out of the car.
We travel to the third floor and into the judge’s office. He’s sitting at his desk palms splayed on the surface seemingly, waiting for our arrival. My stomach rolls and I think I’m going to be sick. While Diego and Stryker speak to the judge, I whisper to Sean that I’m going across the hall to the bathroom.
Nodding to the guard in the hall I slip inside. I lean over the sink and splash my face with cold water. Taking a few deep breaths I blindly reach for a paper towel and dry my face before straightening to look in the mirror.
Nico is glaring into the glass behind me. He has a syringe a mere inch from my throat. “Hello, sister.”
I gasp. “You know?”
“I’ve known for years that your bitch mother seduced my father. I know everyone’s secrets. That’s my superpower. Give me a keyboard and I can find anything, anyone.”
“You know who my mother is? Where she is?”
“Where she was. She’s dead now. Stupid whore. She came back and tried to get with my dad again about four years ago. I intercepted the messages and let her think I was him. Seems she likes dark chocolate a little too much. Even when it tastes a little off. I dumped her body in the trash bin at the hotel where she was staying and covered her with garbage just like she deserved.
“Did you think we wouldn’t figure out where you disappeared to? You really think fucking your bodyguard was going to get you out of the contract we have with the O’Kelley’s? You’re going to marry Garvey today as planned and spy on him. When the time is right, you’re going to help us take down the whole fucking O’Kelley family.
“If you don’t, I’ll find you and I can guarantee you’ll beg me to kill you before I’m done with you.” He brushes the needle across my cheek. “This one will only make you compliant. I have others that will set your skin and blood on fire and you’ll wish you were dead. Others that will make you crazy. You see I’m not just a master distiller, I’m a master chemist. Soon I’ll have the next best drug on the market and I’ll control this town.
“You’re nothing and you owe us everything. You’re going to pay one way or another. Now you’re coming quietly with me and we’re going across town to meet your dearly beloved for your ‘real’ wedding.”
We step into the hall which is now empty. Oh god, did Nico kill the poor guard? We pass the closed door of the judge’s office and enter the elevator making the trip to the underground parking before I can even think straight.
The necklace.I have on the necklace Stryker gave me to go with the sundress he wanted me to wear for our wedding. He's listening. He’ll save me.
We walk past Stryker’s SUV and head toward a smaller car a few spaces down. The sound of screeching tires precedes a carswerving into our path and slamming to a stop. There are more screeching tires in the distance.
Garvey practically explodes from the passenger door. “You mother fucking piece of shit. You were spying on me. Fucking filming my place from the inside and the outside. You turned the films over to the cops!”