Page 25 of Stryker's Ruin
The Camassa guard disappears inside then comes back and gives me the okay.
My contact at the restaurant already gave me the lay of the room. I do a quick scan of who’s milling around, and check for servers and staff who act out of place. Garvey appears to be the only one missing.
The doors on the opposite side are already locked. Turning the key, I’m greeted by two more guards standing outside in the hall. “Just checking, boys.”
The sounds of the room are coming across from her necklace to my earbud as expected. When I’m satisfied. I glance at the long table where place cards identify the seating arrangement. Anton and Vince have decided to put themselves across from each other in the middle. Ruin will sit next to Vince and Johnny on her other side. I notice her real father is on the opposite side of Vince, with Nico next to him. Garvey will be across from her. The waitstaff entrance is to the left.
After getting her a ginger ale from the bar I lead her to her seat at which point Vince comes over. Taking her hand, he kisses the back making a show of his false affection. “Go ahead and sit, dear. We’ll be starting soon.”
She glances at me. “I’ll be outside the door, Ms. Camassa.”
I leave before I faceplant Vince on the table and walk out with my woman.
Waiters file into the room, some serving the food, some filling glasses, all careful to jump at the slightest indication of a guest’s needs. I’m much too nervous to eat anything and simply move the little I’ve taken around on my plate.
All the men are dressed in tailored suits and wear what look like expensive watches and rings. Both sides of the table appear to be one upping each other as much as possible by talking about the quality of the wine, or the expertise of the chef and always comparing it to one of their personal businesses. Through it all, the empty setting where Garvey should be glares back at me diminishing my value even more.
I want Stryker to whisk me away where I never have to see these people again. Johnny has been courteous to me, Vince has dismissed me, my real father refuses to look my way, and Nico glares at me every chance he gets. Vince said no one knows the truth, but I’m sure that Nico does.
As dessert is being served the door opens and a younger man strides in. I know from the pictures Stryker showed me that it’sGarvey. His dark hair with hints of red in the overhead lighting is pulled up into a manbun. He’s wearing tight leather pants and a blousy white shirt like you see in pirate pictures exposing much of his chest. There’s a dark stain on the side of his shirt under his left arm. Taking his place in the seat across from me and next to his grandfather, he glances up. I see a small flat earring on his left earlobe, his right has what looks like a tiny dagger with the blade piercing the other lobe and extending an inch or more.
His dark gaze slowly inspects me from the top of my head until the table hides the rest of me from view. The intensity feels judgmental, cold. A shiver of fear ripples over me. His eyes are dead.
Shifting his attention down the table, he looks to Vince then Moe dismissively. When his attention falls on Nico a hate-filled sneer tilts his thin lips.
He turns to the waiter who has approached with wine and reaches out. “Give me the bottle then bring me a steak, rare, potatoes and salad.”
Vince is scowling and the tension at the table between the families is rising.
After pouring himself a glass of wine he downs it before turning to his grandfather. “I was delayed at my club. There was an issue I had to handle personally. I apologize.” His gaze slides to Vince. “We’re all businessmen. We know these things can come up unexpectedly.”
Angered, Vince fists then un-fists his hand at what I’m sure he perceives as a slight to him, but he gives a nod of acceptance.
Garvey’s meal arrives and he digs in. “Have you discussed the wedding? I understand we’re moving it up to tomorrow.”
I dig my nails into the palms of my hand. No! This can’t be happening.
“Yes. Three o’clock. We’ll do it at the cathedral, both your parish priest and ours have agreed to officiate. It will just be the two families. We’ve already come to terms on the… dowry.”
He looks to his grandfather who nods. Shrugging, he pours himself another glass and drinks half, before looking at me. “We should probably get to know each other a little. I’ll take her with me and show her around my club. You can even send one of your watchdogs to take her home.”
Vince looks over my shoulder at the lone guard who’d been in the room during the meal. He nods.
“Stryker is here. He can take me,” I say softly.
“He was only temporary. He’s been relieved of his duties and left. Frankie will stay with you and then take you to the hotel we’ve reserved near the church. Your wedding dress is already there.”
Garvey downs the rest of his drink and stands. “Then let’s shut this party down. Ms. Camassa, I’ll meet you at the club.”
Standing, I glance at Vince. “I need to use the ladies’ room please.”
Clearly annoyed, he glances at Johnny. “Follow her.”
In the stall, I fumble with my phone. Finally grasping it I dial Stryker. It goes straight to voicemail. I hang up and try again with no success.