Page 98 of Dark Princess Ascending
She shrugged. "I don't know. The adventure would let us experience different sensations safely and find out if we like them or not."
He nodded, even though he hadn't yet agreed to join her on a virtual adventure. Still, talking about it as if it was a given was a great negotiation tactic. It would acclimate him to the idea without him even realizing what was happening.
Was that underhanded of her?
Maybe a little, but it was for a good cause. Brandon was a creative person, and he should not limit his experiences because of irrational fears. She was convinced that a virtual trip would recharge him and give him a lot of new ideas.
Morelle scrolled to another section. "Exhibition and voyeurism scenarios. What does that mean? Watching others or being watched?"
Brandon nodded. "In the virtual world, you can explore those fantasies without involving other people. It's actually an intriguing possibility."
She frowned. "Which one interests you? The watching or being watched?"
"Being watched. I like a little fake danger."
"If it's fake, it's not dangerous."
He chuckled. "I guess that's the beauty of the virtual experience. In the simulation, the danger will feel real. You will feel anxious, but in reality, it will be safe."
Morelle wanted to do a victory dance, but she stifled the urge and limited herself to a small smile. "You sound like you actually approve of it."
"I'm warming up to the idea." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "We can schedule a meeting with William tomorrow, if he has time, and get an extensive explanation of how it all works, or as extensive as I can understand without my eyes glazing over."
She lifted her hand and cupped his cheek. "I love you."
He dipped his head and kissed her lips eagerly, passionately, as if he couldn't wait to get her naked in bed.
She felt the same. He wouldn't even have to warm her up. She was already burning from reading those questions and letting her imagination run wild.
When they came up for air, his eyes were glowing, and his fangs were slightly elongated. "So, am I forgiven?"
She frowned. "Forgiven for what?"
"Keeping my suspicions from you and sharing them with Kian first."
The questionnaire had been so absorbing that she'd forgotten all about being angry at Brandon. The truth was that she'd already forgiven him last night, but she'd needed some time and distance to put her feelings of disappointment in proper perspective. After all, she'd kept things from him aswell. She hadn't told him about Ell-rom's talent. Kian was the one who had revealed the secret.
"I've mostly forgiven you already, and now that you are willing to conquer your phobia for me, I can no longer be angry at you."
"It's not a phobia," Brandon protested. "It's a perfectly logical objection to having a foreign entity take over my mind. But if William convinces me that it's safe..." He smiled. "I will be thrilled to create a sexy fantasy with you. The possibilities are virtually limitless."
Just thinking of some of those possibilities was making him uncomfortably hard, and he had to shift to make room for his growing erection.
Morelle regarded him from under lowered lashes. "What if what I want is a little...unconventional?"
Dear merciful Fates, what did his lustful vixen have in mind?
"Like what?"
She scrolled back up to an earlier question. "Well, there's this option about role-playing supernatural creatures. Vampires, dragons, and othermythical creatures. Given what I can do, I thought it might be interesting to explore that dynamic in a controlled environment. It would help me accept it and maybe be a little less apprehensive about using it."
That was a little disappointing. He didn't want to go on an adventure to explore Morelle's paranormal abilities. He wanted to explore her sexual fantasies. But this wasn't about him. He'd resolved to talk to William even before coming into the room and helping her with the questionnaire.
She was his mate, and she deserved his maximum effort, not just what neatly fit inside his comfort zone.