Page 84 of Dark Princess Ascending
"Perhaps. I should send her my thanks. Also, for the beautiful speech at our wedding."
Marina nodded. "Is it customary to give the Clan Mother gifts? Should we get her something?"
He snorted. "The only gift you can give the goddess is your adoration, and she will take it with open arms."
"I have no problem whatsoever with that. My adoration for her is genuine."
"So is mine." He returned to his equipment.
The tactical vest went on first, followed by various pouches and holders.
"You know what's funny?" Marina said softly. "I used to dream about being rescued when I was inthe compound. Now I'm helping my warrior husband gear up to rescue others."
"Life has a way of coming full circle." He caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm.
When they separated, Peter refocused on the final preparations.
This mission was different from his previous ones—not just because he was in charge, but because of what they were facing. The intelligence suggested they weren't just dealing with regular criminal enterprises anymore. The possible involvement of Doomers added layers of complexity and danger.
Drova studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. She didn't look all that different because she usually wore black fatigues almost identical to the uniform she'd been given.
The only significant difference was the insignia of the Avengers. It was an eagle with two swords crossing over it, and it was so small that it was not visible unless someone specifically looked for it. Onegus didn't want them to have any identifying features, which was fine for the immortals, but the Kra-ell couldn't help their alien looks. She and Pavel, the only purebloods on the team, stuck out with their height, their big eyes, and slim frames.
She adjusted the utility belt, making sure everything was secured properly. There was no gun in her holster. She either hadn't earned the right to one yet or just wasn't trusted with one, which waskind of stupid. What was she going to do with a gun? Put it to a Guardian's head and order him to drive her somewhere?
As if there was anywhere she could go.
"You're wearing it wrong."
Drova jumped at her mother's voice. She hadn't heard Jade enter her room, which was embarrassing given her training. She'd been too absorbed in her own thoughts, and because she was safe in her house, her training hadn't engaged, but that was a mistake. Her mother had told her a thousand times that safety anywhere was an illusion, and she needed to always be vigilant.
"The knife sheath goes on the left side for right-handed fighters," Jade said, moving to adjust the belt.
"I know how to position equipment," Drova said, perhaps more defensively than she'd intended.
Jade grimaced but adjusted the belt, nonetheless. "Always accept advice and corrections with an open mind, especially when they come from someone with vastly superior training and experience. Arrogance and stubbornness can and will kill you."
"I know that." Drova took a deep breath. "Thank you for the correction, Mother."
Jade nodded. "Today, your job is to listen, watch, and learn. If you respond to any of theGuardians the way you've just responded to me, you will be dismissed and not allowed back."
"I understand."
But she didn't, not really. She was one of the best fighters among the Kra-ell—Jade had made sure of that, training her relentlessly since she could walk. It seemed wasteful to keep her on the sidelines just because she was young and the Guardians considered her inexperienced.
Something of her thoughts must have shown on her face because Jade's expression hardened. "You lack field experience, Drova. This is not like training in the compound or here, where no one is trying to kill you. The people the Avengers are going after are ruthless monsters who prey on children. It doesn't get any worse than that. Don't expect them to follow the rules or hesitate to cause you harm. The only reason I feel okay with you going out there is your ability to control their minds. The problem is that bullets are faster than spoken commands, and you might not have time to stop them. Rely on your speed and strength instead."
Drova smiled. "You worry too much. I will not be taking part in the attack. I'll be watching from the surveillance van. The worst that can happen to me is the Guardian in charge confusing me with too much technical information and causing me a headache."
That got a chuckle out of Jade. "Right. But myadvice still stands. If something goes wrong, you might need to assist, and if that happens, I want you to remember what I've told you. No one will expect your speed and strength, and that will give you an advantage."
"Got it."
Before Jade could continue her lecture, Phinas appeared in the doorway. "You look good in tactical gear." He smiled. "Fierce."