Page 47 of Dark Princess Ascending
A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd. Marina's vision blurred despite her best efforts to hold the tears at bay. Lusha's stern words echoed in her mind, commanding her to focus on happy, non-mushy thoughts.
"Together," Annani said, "they remind us that love is not about what we are but who we choose to be. That the bonds of the heart transcend all other considerations."
She turned to face them fully now, her otherworldly beauty softened by genuine warmth. "Peter and Marina, you stand before your community today to pledge your lives and your love toeach other. Are you ready to recite your vows to each other?"
"We are," they answered in unison.
Peter's voice rang strong and sure to Marina's near whisper, and his fingers tightened around hers. She drew strength from his steady presence beside her.
"Then let us begin." Annani raised her hands again, and Marina felt something shift in the air—like electricity but softer, warmer. "Before the gathered witnesses, before the Fates themselves, speak your vows to each other."
Peter turned to face Marina, his eyes bright with emotion. She could hardly believe this was real—that she was here, marrying this incredible male, with a goddess presiding over their union. But Peter's hands were warm and solid in hers, anchoring her to this perfect moment.
She might not have forever, but she had this man who looked at her like she was his whole world, and for now, that was enough.
More than enough.
It was everything.
Peter faced Marina and took both of her hands. "Marina, my love. Today, in front of the Clan Mother and all of our community, I choose you. I promise to love you completely and without reservation, to support your dreams and share your burdens, and to face whatever challenges life presents, standing firmly by your side." His voice was steady despite the emotion threatening to overwhelm him.
He'd rehearsed this speech so many times in front of the bathroom mirror that he was sure it was embedded forever in its walls. If Mey ever came to their house and entered their bathroom, she would for sure hear the echoes of his declaration of love to Marina without even having to concentrate or put any effort into it.
He squeezed Marina's hands gently. "You make me stronger and better, and I feel more alive withyou than I've ever been before. I promise to cherish every moment we have together, to fill our life with laughter and joy, to be your partner, your protector, your best friend, and your most devoted admirer."
He let go of one of her hands to pull out the ring he had in his pocket. It was a simple gold band with an inscription engraved on its inner side, and Marina had an identical one for him.
"With this ring, I thee wed," he said simply as he slid it over her finger.
He'd written so many alternatives to this traditional declaration, but they had all spoken of forever and eternity, and he knew that would only upset Marina, so he'd decided to stick to these simple words that did the job just as well, albeit with less fanfare.
Marina's answering smile was radiant as she put her hand back in his. "Peter, my love, you showed me what real love feels like. I promise to love you wholly and completely, to stand beside you through whatever life brings, to be your safe harbor and your greatest champion." Her voice grew stronger with every word, as if she was gaining momentum. "I promise to face our future together with courage and hope and to fill our days with wonder and joy. You are my heart's choice, my soul's match, and I will love you with everything I am for as long as I live."
She reached down and plucked the ring fromwhere it had been cleverly attached to the fabric of her dress.
He'd wondered where she could have possibly hidden it, hoping she would pull it out from between her breasts, but his guess had been totally off.
She took his hand. "With this ring, I thee wed." She slid the ring on his finger.
As the crowd erupted in cheers and applause, the Clan Mother waited patiently and then lifted her hand, and the crowd fell silent all at once.
"Before the gathered witnesses and the Fates themselves, I seal your union with my blessings and that of our entire community. From this moment forward, your lives are intertwined—two hearts beating as one, two souls joined in perfect harmony. May your love grow stronger with each passing day and your bond deepen with every shared moment." Annani raised both her hands. "I declare you joined in love and bound together in body and spirit. From this day forward, you are partners in all things. Let your first kiss as a mated pair seal your bond."
As their guests once again cheered and clapped and Peter's fellow Guardians hooted and whistled, he pulled Marina close, pouring all his love and joy into their first wedded kiss.
When they finally separated, both breathless and grinning, a commotion started below that drew their attention.
At least ten Guardians had formed lines on either side of the wooden dance floor, and to Peter's amazement, they'd produced ceremonial swords.
"Oh no," he laughed, recognizing the set-up for the Scottish sword dance. "You can't do that without kilts."
Jay grinned at him. "Oh yes we can."
As the music started playing through the loudspeakers, his friends began the intricate footwork of the dance, stepping carefully between and over the crossed swords while maintaining perfect formation.