Page 40 of Dark Princess Ascending
"Oh." Feeling deflated, Morelle sat down on the couch. "I thought you'd changed your mind."
He sat next to her and took her hand. "I don't know why I have such a strong aversion to letting a computer hijack my mind. Maybe it's my ignorance that is fueling my fears. I'm not tech-savvy, and it's even a struggle for me to read an operation manual on a new appliance. I always ask someone to just show me what to do so I won't have to read and understand it."
His admission melted away the tendrils of resentment that had taken hold of her heart despite her efforts not to allow them entry.
"We all have irrational fears. But maybe you are right about being wary of artificial intelligence, at least until someone who is an expert in the field can allay your fears. Perhaps my lack of concern is actually the wrong approach since I know even less about this technology than you do. Is it smart of me to blindly trust those who I consider experts and who are telling me that it's perfectly safe? Or should I do my own research before I give the machine license to enter my mind and plant false memories in there to create a fabricated personal history?"
He regarded her for a long moment and then took her hand. "You are a very wise lady, myprincess, and you are a born politician. You should become a council member."
Morelle frowned. "I don't know what you are referring to. None of what I said could be considered political. I was talking about personal experiences and individual approaches to risk-taking."
"You did." He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed them over her knuckles. "But you also phrased your philosophical musings in a way that validated my reservations and offered an alternative approach without belittling me in the slightest. That's diplomacy at its best. But I shouldn't be surprised that a daughter of two monarchs has it in her blood."
"I was just trying to see things from your perspective and explain mine. I also realized that I was too trusting of the people running the program and that I should learn more about it. I thought that I would learn about the process from the questionnaires and brochures, but I didn't stop to think about the technical and neurological aspects, maybe because, like you, I don't know much about them."
Brandon put his arm around her shoulders and gently tugged her toward him. "We both need someone to explain to us how these things work, and William might not be the best person to do it. I would love to get us an audience with the people who actually invented this. The two human founders."
Morelle leaned away. "Perfect Match is a human invention?"
He smiled. "Humans are just as smart as gods and immortals, and since there are many more of them than there are of us, it shouldn't surprise you that they come up with a lot of innovation."
"There are trillions of gods, Brandon. Just not on Earth."
"Right." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I keep forgetting that. In my mind, Anumati is like Earth, just instead of humans and immortals, it is populated by gods and Kra-ell. I can't imagine how giant your planet is to accommodate so many people, or how it is possible to feed everyone."
She chuckled. "Is this your way of distracting me from talking about Perfect Match?"
"Not at all. It's just genuine curiosity. But back to that, the first step will be to talk with William and ask him who the best person is to explain how the brain and machine interface works. If the answer puts my mind at ease, I will at least feel less concerned about you going on an adventure on your own."
That was disappointing, but it was progress. "Will you at least consider joining me?"
"I would fight dragons for you, my sweet princess, but in this case, the monster I need to conquer is made from ones and zeros, and I don't know how to fight it. I'm willing to explore the possibility, but I can't promise you anything." Hetook her hand again and kissed the inside of her palm.
It might not be the answer she was hoping for, but it was a huge concession for him.
"Did what I say change your mind?" she asked.
His eyes held hers. "I just want to do everything in my power to make you happy, and that includes finding a way for you to keep enjoying the venom trip with the same intensity as the first time. I also want to have peace of mind while you explore the world in an expedited manner through the various Perfect Match adventures, but the truth is that I would love to take you exploring in the real world. There is no substitute for that."
"But you promised to consider joining me in the virtual fantasy."
He swallowed. "I did, and I will. I will go to great lengths to make you happy."
What he was actually saying was that he loved her and would do his best to get over his phobia for her, and she loved him for it.
Should she tell him?
If he was willing to overcome his fears for her, she should do no less for him.
"I love you, Brandon." She cupped his cheeks. "I don't care that we have known each other for only a short time and that I have nothing to compare this feeling to. I know what's in my heart."
Instead of saying something back to her, he just gazed into her eyes, seemingly too stunned to talk.
"It's okay." She chuckled. "You can say it back to me. It's not that hard. Say Morelle, I love you."
A smile bloomed on his face. "You are so sure of my love for you."
"Of course I am, but it would be nice to hear it."