Page 4 of Dark Princess Ascending
Morelle nodded. "She's both kind and harsh, but she's not forgiving, that's for sure. The Mother of All Life doesn't offer second chances, and the only redemption she accepts is through the ultimate sacrifice of one's life. Still, she gave me the ability to save Darius, and I'm grateful to her for that."
"Maybe the gift was always there," Brandon said. "The reason I asked whether you believed in reincarnation was that you might have possessed the ability in a previous life, and perhaps it has lain dormant until a life-or-death emergency forced it to the surface."
His words resonated with her.
"I've always felt there was something more inside me, waiting to emerge," Morelle admitted. "It felt like something big, but I dismissed it as wishful thinking."
Brandon nodded. "I suspect we've only scratched the surface of what you're capable of."
If he only knew. Morelle suppressed a shiver.
"Are you cold?" He shifted as if prepared to stand. "I'll get you a blanket."
The only warmth she wanted was that emitted by his body. "Just hold me. Please."
His expression softened. "Always."
They sat in silence for a while, Brandon's steady breathing and warm embrace almost lullingMorelle to sleep, but the questions that kept circling in her mind prevented her from truly relaxing.
"Brandon?" she murmured.
"Do you ever keep secrets from the clan?"
His hand stilled on her back. "What do you mean?"
If she didn't want him to guess her motive for the question, she had to be careful with how she worded it.
"Let's say you knew that a good friend of yours thralled someone they were not supposed to, but it was for a good cause and not for their own benefit. Would you report the transgression?"
He was quiet for a long moment, and Morelle held her breath, waiting for his answer.
"That's a complex question," he said finally. "It would depend on the situation and the potential consequences." He shifted slightly to look down at her. "Why are you asking?"
It seemed to her like he was evading a straight answer, which led her to believe that he had transgressed before and hadn't told anyone about it.
"So basically, what you are telling me is that if the unauthorized thralling results in a positive outcome, you approve of bending the rules?"
He chuckled. "You are a smart lady, Princess Morelle, and if you can detect my deflection evenwhile half asleep with exhaustion, I need to be very careful about what I say around you."
Morelle took that as an answer to her question that didn't necessitate his admission of guilt. She also took it as proof that he trusted her but not enough to give her a straightforward answer that could implicate him.
"You are a smart male, Councilman Brandon," she mimicked his response. "And I too should remember to be careful about what I say around you." She shifted in his arms so that her head was higher, and their eyes were level.
His lips lifted in a half smile. "We make a great pair. So, why the sudden concern with my ethics? Are you afraid that you have moved in with a scoundrel?"
"I'm still learning about clan dynamics." She rested her head on his chest again. "As a new member, I should be aware of the rules, which ones are set in stone and which are bendable. I also need to know what the rules are between mates. If I know of your minor transgressions, am I obligated to report them? Or are mates excused from such obligation?"
He regarded her for a long moment, his eyes calculating. "Everyone knows that mates do not keep secrets from one another unless the secret can endanger someone's life. My first loyalty is to you, Morelle, and unless your transgression might cause someone's death, your secret is safe with me."
Brandon found Morelle's questions about clan loyalty, minor rule-bending, and keeping secrets suspicious. They could have been just part of casual conversation, if they hadn't followed right after tonight's events when she was so exhausted that she'd barely kept her eyes open and was now dozing off against his chest.
He'd never actually explained the code of conduct to her, so this was an odd time for her to ask about it. She'd picked up bits and pieces from overheard conversations, like the prohibition against unsanctioned thralling, and perhaps he should have been more thorough in explaining clan policies, but tonight wasn't the time for a lesson in clan bylaws.