Page 26 of Dark Princess Ascending
"Usually, these ceremonies are more intimate," Syssi said. "Just close family and friends. I'm not sure why the turnout is so large tonight."
Jasmine brightened. "I'm glad Rob is getting such a big audience. Brandon, do you think Ishould sing something for him before the ceremony begins?"
Brandon's eyebrows rose. "That's never been done before, but it's not a bad idea. Do you know any songs about friendship? The ceremony does cement a lifelong bond between inducer and inductee, so that would be appropriate."
"How about 'Bridge over Troubled Water'?" Amanda suggested. "Or is that too dramatic?"
"'Lean on Me' might be more appropriate," Syssi offered.
Jasmine hummed a few bars of each, her voice clear and melodious in the evening air, and Morelle found herself enchanted by the talent of her brother's mate.
"You should definitely sing," she encouraged. "Your voice is beautiful."
They had to pause their discussion as they reached the glass pavilion, where a crowd had gathered waiting for the elevators.
Being surrounded by so many people, Morelle felt the energy thrumming through her. She wasn't actively drawing on it, but it was somehow seeping into her, and she wanted it to stop. Remembering how she'd pulled power from everyone in Syssi's living room, she forced herself to focus on Brandon's solid presence beside her to ground herself against the temptation to reach for that power and pull.
When they finally made it to the gym, Morelle's focus turned to the colorful decorations hanging everywhere. The gym had been transformed, and in the middle of it, Rob stood inside a roped-off area, looking like he might be sick.
Her heart went out to him. She wished she had some way to ease his fear, but that wasn't one of her abilities. Though...her eyes drifted to the decorations bobbing against the ceiling.
Could she pop a few of those inflated containers?
She hadn't tried to use her newly discovered power again, and she was curious to see if it would be available to her without pulling energy from people around her, using only what was inside of her.
Would it amuse Rob if she managed to pop those decorations? Or would it just scare him more?
"Don't even think about it," Brandon murmured in her ear.
She turned to him. "Think about what?"
"Whatever mischief you're plotting." His eyes crinkled with amusement. "I saw that look."
"I just thought that a little innocent distraction might help Rob relax, and I'd get to test my ability on something harmless." She pointed at the ceiling and made a popping sound with her mouth.
He chuckled. "Exploding decorations mighthave the opposite effect on poor Rob. Jasmine singing him a song is a much better idea."
She couldn't argue with that. "Does every male Dormant look so scared before his induction?"
"Most do," Brandon said. "It's a big moment even without taking into account having to fight a much stronger opponent. It's a life-changing event."
Beside them, Jasmine was still quietly singing, her voice barely above a whisper as she tested different lyrics. The sound provided a pleasant counterpoint to the nervous energy filling the room.
"What happens if he doesn't transition?" Morelle asked.
"Then he tries again another time," Brandon explained. "Some need multiple attempts."
More people continued to file into the gym until Morelle felt almost claustrophobic with the press of bodies. She breathed in and out steadily, reminding herself that these people were her community, and she had nothing to fear from them.
"Are you okay?" Ell-rom asked from her other side.
She nodded. "Are you okay with so many people around?"
He shrugged. "Not really, but with you and Jasmine beside me, I feel safe."
"Oh, sweetheart." Jasmine leaned her head on his shoulder.
"We can move toward the back if you'd prefer," Brandon offered.