Page 59 of Dark Princess Emerging
He had to allow her to explore, but his hands had to stay tucked under his head. Letting her do this and not responding was going to be torture, but he had to power through it for her.
"I'm yours, Princess," he murmured. "Do with me as you please."
Her feral smile was a promise and a warning wrapped in sex and tied with a ribbon of gotcha. "Remember you said that." She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his neck, then started on the buttons of his pajama top.
She kissed each inch of skin she revealed, and when the last button was undone, she parted the two halves of his pajama top and leaned back to look at his chest.
"You are very nicely put together, Brandon," she said with a crooked smile. "And I love the way your skin tastes." She leaned over him once more and pressed a kiss near his nipple.
When she closed her lips around it, Brandon couldn't help but arch his hips and press his erection against her center, and when she flicked her tongue across it, he saw stars.
"You are killing me, Princess," he hissed.
Morelle laughed, pressed a soft kiss to the nipple she'd been licking, and then moved to the other one.
Keeping his hands behind his head was becoming a struggle.
All he wanted to do was grip her hips, flip them over, and dive between those long legs of hers to where the intoxicating scent of her arousal was coming from.
Was she naked under that skimpy nightdress?
He could feel the outline of her lower lips on his shaft, but with the fabric of his pants between them, he couldn't tell for sure.
It would be so easy to find out…
She grazed his nipple with her blunt front teeth, and he wished she'd inherited fangs from her Kra-ell mother so she could bite him, suck his blood?—
No, no, no, that was absolutely the worst image he could conjure right now when he was moments from soiling his pajama bottoms.
Moments? Who was he kidding? He wouldn't even last one more moment of this.
Thankfully, her mouth left his nipple, and when she pressed soft kisses to his ribs, he had a short moment of respite, but as the kisses trailed down his belly, he guessed her intentions, and the moment was gone.
"Morelle, don't."
She tilted her head to look at him. "You said I can do whatever I please to you."
He hadn't expected a virgin to be so bold. "I did, but not this. I should please you that way first."
She tilted her head sideways. "Is there a rule book that dictates such things?"
Well, yeah, there was—a gentleman pleased his lady first—but even in his own head, it sounded chauvinistic.
What about her inexperience?
He could use that.
"I know about carnal pleasures more than you do. I should be the one to teach you."
She laughed, which was the last thing he had expected. "I don't have the same equipment, so I doubt you can teach me how to please you."
When her fingers curled on the waistband of his pajama bottoms, and she pulled, he had no choice but to lift himself up and let her tug them down his hips.
"Oh, wow." She leaned back. "I didn't expect it to be this big."
There wasn't even an iota of fear in her tone, but Brandon didn't trust the earpieces to transmit her reaction accurately.
"Perhaps it was too early for the reveal." Finally letting his hands leave his head, he reached down and tugged on the waistband.