Page 49 of Dark Princess Emerging
"Exactly. Lately, our operations have been encountering more and more young children, which has prompted us to investigate who is placing the orders. After all, the traffickers are not operating in a vacuum. They are supplying what's in demand. We asked Roni to conduct a preliminary search, and what he uncovered was staggering. This isn't just about the end users anymore. There's a whole layer of middlemen, the brokers who connect buyers with suppliers, and we believe that there are other trafficking rings that specialize in kids."
Jade's expression turned menacing, and her eyes flashed red. "Point me in the right direction, and I will take them out."
Kian chuckled. "I had a feeling that would be your reaction. But there is more. We have reason to suspect that those pimps of kids are collecting blackmail material on their clients, specifically politicians, actors, and wealthy businessmen. That fits the Doomers' modus operandi. Since blackmailing those in power with evidence of them using drugs or prostitutes is no longer as effective as it used to be, they've moved to pedophilia because that still carries a social stigma, and people in power would do anything to avoid such devastating exposure."
Jade tilted her head. "I see the logic, but the Doomers are not the only players who use those kinds of tactics. I could name several others just from casual browsing of news around the world. The patterns are there for all to see."
"True, but we need to be prepared for the possibility that we will come across Doomers. Drova's ability to compel immortals could be very useful in such encounters and reduce the risk of the children we are trying to save getting hurt, not to mention our Guardians."
Jade shook her head. "I'm surprised at you, Kian. Drova has just turned seventeen, which is not too young by Kra-ell standards, but it is by yours, and she's a female. I know that you don't even allow Kri to participate in operations that involve Doomers."
"Kri is not a compeller, and I don't expect to encounter entire Doomer teams. One or two at the most is what the Brotherhood would assign to a ring, and they’d use thralled humans or just rotten ones to do the rest of their dirty work. Drova can participate in missions and continue her education in her off hours." He smiled. "I can free her from the punishment that her former victims demanded, but she still needs to study for her high school equivalency test. That's not negotiable."
Jade shifted on the chair. "How can you trust her with something this important after what she did?"
Kian had expected this question. "Her compulsion ability could be invaluable against Doomers. And frankly, this could be exactly what she needs—a constructive outlet for her abilities and a chance to prove herself."
"Or a chance to escape."
"The Guardians will all be wearing filtering earpieces, so they will stop her if she tries. It would also be an excellent test of her loyalty. Better to know now if she'll try to run than wait until she's stronger and more experienced."
Jade considered this, her fingers drumming once on the armrest before going still. "She would jump at the chance, if only to escape her current punishment. But that doesn't mean she's ready for such responsibility."
"You told me that she is a formidable fighter. You weren't even sure that you could overpower her to bring her to justice."
"True." Jade sighed. "But skill does not equate to maturity, and regrettably, she is still quite childish. I should have been stricter with her."
Kian wasn't sure that would have been the right approach with the rebellious teenager. Besides, knowing Jade, she'd been strict enough.
"Peter is assembling his team now," he said. "He'll likely include some of the Kra-ell trainees in the backup team. If you agree to her participation, she should meet with him while he is still choosing team members."
Jade's shoulders tensed. "If you're considering putting her on Peter's direct assault team, I'd want at least one other Kra-ell fighter with her."
"I agree. Having another Kra-ell on the team would make her more comfortable." It would also make Jade less afraid for her daughter.
"I need someone to keep an eye on her," Jade added. "With all due respect to Peter, I want to know how my daughter is doing from an objective source that will not try to sugarcoat things for me."
Kian wanted to say that no one would have done that, but he understood Jade's need to have one of her own to hold responsible for her daughter's safety and to restrain her if needed.
"I will tell Peter that's your wish. So, is it a yes?"
She nodded. "I think this will be good for her. She needs to feel useful and contribute. Maybe it would quiet the unrest inside of her."
"Precisely. I will arrange a meeting with Peter, you, and Drova at the training center."
"I know she will say yes," Jade said. "The real question is whether she's mature enough to handle it."
"That's what the meeting with Peter will determine." Kian leaned back in his chair. "He needs to be confident in every member of his team. One weak link could endanger everyone."
"And if he decides she's not ready?"
"Then she can join the training and wait until she is ready, if that's what she wishes to do, of course." Kian spread his hands. "Either way, it gives her a goal to work toward and something meaningful to focus on."
"What does Onegus think of this idea?"
"He's cautiously optimistic. He recognizes the potential value of having a strong compeller on the team." Kian's expression hardened. "Especially if we are indeed dealing with Doomers."
Jade rose to her feet. "I'll speak with her today." She paused at the door. "If Drova betrays our trust and tries to run, the consequences will need to be severe."